

除了经典《悲惨世界》 , 现在又可以听到乔治朗读的《达芬奇密码》了!望能带给英语爱好者更多的乐趣!
美国作家丹·布朗 (Dan Brown) 创作的长篇小说 The Da Vinci Code(《达·芬奇密码》) , 2003年3月18日由兰登书屋出版 , 此书是布朗2000年小说《天使与魔鬼》(Angels and Demons)的续篇 。
第94节 Chapter 55
● concurrence [k?n?k?r?ns] n.同意;赞同;一致;同时发生
Someone's concurrence is their agreement to something.
If there is a concurrence of two or more things, they happen at the same time.
1. The doctor may seek the concurrence of a relative before carrying out the procedure.
医生可以征得亲属的同意后再施行此项手术 。
2. an unfortunate concurrence of events
● underhand [??nd??h?nd] a.秘密的;狡诈的;欺诈的
If an action is underhand or if it is done in an underhand way, it is done secretly and dishonestly.
1. ..underhand financial deals.
2. ...a list of the underhanded ways in which their influence operates in the United States...
● manoeuvre/maneuvre [m??nu:v?(r)] n.
[可数名词, 不可数名词] a clever plan, action or movement that is used to give sb an advantage 策略;手段;花招;伎俩
diplomatic manoeuvres
● stroke [str??k] n.【雅思/托福/GRE】(成功的)举动;(高明的)举措;(巧妙的)办法;(成功的)事情
A stroke (of sth) is a single successful action or event.
1. Your idea was a stroke of genius .
你的主意很高明 。
2. It was a bold stroke to reveal the identity of the murderer on the first page.
在头版上披露谋杀犯的身份 , 这是一个大胆的举措 。
● commission [k??m??n] v.【雅思/托福/GRE】正式委托;委托(做)
If you commission something or commission someone to do something, you formally arrange for someone to do a piece of work for you.
1. She has been commissioned to write a new national anthem.
她已接受谱写新国歌的委托 。
2. Publishers have commissioned a French translation of the book.
出版商已委托人把这本书译成法语 。
● gospel [?g?spl] n.【托福/GRE】福音书(《圣经·新约》中记录耶稣基督生平和教诲的四卷书)
In the New Testament of the Bible, the Gospels are the four books which describe the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
1. ...the parable in St Matthew's Gospel.

St Matthew's Gospel
2. ...an illustrated and illuminated manu of the four gospels.
配有插图、装饰华美的四福音书手抄本 分页标题
● embellish [?m?bel??] v.【托福/GRE】给(故事)润色;渲染;润饰
If you embellish a story, you make it more interesting by adding details which may be untrue.
1. I launched into the parable, embellishing the story with invented dialogue and extra details...
我开始讲那则寓言 , 并编造了些对话 , 加了些细节对其进行润色 。
2. Irving popularized the story in a dramatic and embellished account.
欧文凭借其生动细致的描写使这篇小说广受欢迎 。
● Sabbath [?s?b?θ] n.安息日(犹太教的安息日是星期六 , 基督教的安息日是星期日)
The Sabbath is the day of the week when members of some religious groups do not work. The Jewish Sabbath is on Saturday and the Christian Sabbath is on Sunday.
1. ...a religious man who kept the Sabbath...
2. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
纪念安息日 , 守为圣日 。
● tribute[?tr?bju:t] n.【托福/GRE】致敬;颂词;献礼
A tribute is something that you say, do, or make to show your admiration and respect for someone.
1. The song is a tribute to Roy Orbison...
那首歌是对罗伊·奥比森的致敬 。
2. At her funeral her oldest friend paid tribute to her life and work.
在葬礼上 , 她最早的朋友对她的一生和工作给予了高度的赞扬 。
● heretic [?her?t?k] n. 【雅思/GRE】异教徒;离经叛道者
A heretic is a person who holds religious beliefs in conflict with the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church.
Thousands of heretics were burned at the stake.
几千名异教徒被烧死在火刑柱上 。
● derive [d??ra?v] v.【雅思/托福】(使)起源于;(使)来自
If you say that something such as a word or feeling derives or is derived from something else, you mean that it comes from that thing.
1. Anna's strength is derived from her parents and her sisters...
安娜的坚强源自于她的父母和姐姐们 。
2. The word ‘politics ’ is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘city ’.
politics一词源自希腊语 , 意思是city 。

● Coptic [?k?ptik] a. 科普特教会的 Coptic means belonging or relating to a part of the Christian Church which was started in Egypt.
● ministry [?m?n?stri] n.圣职;神职 The ministry of a religious person is the work that they do that is based on or inspired by their religious beliefs.
● misinformation [?m?s?nf?'me??n] n.(常指有意提供的)假消息 , 错误消息
Misinformation is wrong information which is given to someone, often in a deliberate attempt to make them believe something which is not true.
1. This was a deliberate piece of misinformation.
这是一条故意制造的假消息 。
2. Let's stop the rumors and misinformation about AIDS.
让我们停止关于艾滋病的流言和误解 。
● scroll [skr??lz] (带有文字的)卷轴 , 长纸卷 A scroll is a long roll of paper or a similar material with writing on it.
● glaring [?gle?r??] a 非常显眼的;昭然的
If you describe something bad as glaring, you are emphasizing that it is very obvious and easily seen or noticed.
1. a glaring error/omission/inconsistency/injustice 分页标题
明显的错误 / 疏漏 / 不一致 / 不公正
2. I never saw such a glaring example of misrepresentation.
我从未见过像这样明目张胆地歪曲事实 。
● discrepancy [d?s?krep?nsi] n.【雅思/GRE】 差异;不符;不一致;出入
If there is a discrepancy between two things that ought to be the same, there is a noticeable difference between them.
1. ..the discrepancy between press and radio reports.
2. What are the reasons for the discrepancy between girls' and boys' performance in school?
● fabrication [?f?br?'ke??n] n.
A fabrication is a deliberately false or improbable account.
1. This story is total fabrication.
这种说法纯属捏造 。
2. Her story was a complete fabrication from start to finish.
她的叙述从头至尾都是编造出来的 。
● agenda [??d?end?] n. plan/intention
● indoctrinate [?n?d?ktr?ne?t] v.【GRE】 强行灌输(信仰或学说)
To indoctrinate someone is to to force them to accept a particular belief or set of beliefs and not allow them to consider any others.
1. Nobody is more indoctrinated than the indoctrinator.
被洗脑最严重的是给别人洗脑的人 。 (例句选自小说《达芬奇密码》)

2. They had been indoctrinated from an early age with their parents' beliefs.
他们从小就被满脑子灌入了他们父母的信仰 。
● Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan 米兰的圣玛利亚修道院
● smug [sm?g] a.【GRE】沾沾自喜的;自鸣得意的;洋洋自得的
If you say that someone is smug, you are criticizing the fact they seem very pleased with how good, clever, or lucky they are.
1. a smug expression/smile/face, etc.
2. What are you looking so smug about?
● anomaly [??n?m?li] n.【托福/GRE】反常(事物);异常(现象)
If something is an anomaly, it is different from what is usual or expected.
1. the many anomalies in the tax system
2. the apparent anomaly that those who produced the wealth, the workers, were the poorest
Chapter 56
icon [?a?k?n] n.【雅思/托福/GRE】symbol
● phallus [?f?l?s] n.阳具;阴茎 A phallus is a penis.