

Questioner: Is a motive necessary in business? What is the right motive in earning a livelihood?
Krishnamurti: What do you think is the right livelihood? - not what is the most convenient, not what is the most profitable, enjoyable, or gainful; but what is the right livelihood? Now, how will you find out what is right? The word "right" means correct, accurate. It cannot be accurate if you do something for profit or pleasure. This is a complex thing.
克里希那穆提:你认为什么是正确的谋生之道?——不是最方便的是什么 , 也不是最有利可图、最愉快、最有收获的是什么 , 而是正确的谋生之道是什么?那么 , 你要如何发现什么是正确的?“正确”这个词意味着恰当、精确 。 如果你做某件事是为了利益或者快感 , 那它就不可能是正确的 。 这是一件很复杂的事情 。
Everything that thought has put together is reality. This tent has been put together by thought, it is a reality. The tree has not been put together by thought, but it is a reality. Illusions are reality - the illusions that one has, imagination, all that is reality. And the action from those illusions is neurotic, which is also reality. So when you ask this question, "What is the right livelihood", you must understand what reality is. Reality is not truth.
思想所造的一切都是现实 , 这顶帐篷由思想所造 , 它是一个现实存在 。 这棵树并非由思想所造 , 但它也是一个现实存在 。 幻觉也是现实——人抱有的各种幻觉、想象 , 这一切都是现实 。 而从这些幻觉中产生的行动是神经质的 , 这也是现实 。 所以 , 当你提出“什么是正确的谋生之道”这个问题时 , 你必须了解什么是现实 。 现实并非真理 。
Now what is correct action in this reality? And how will you discover what is right in this reality? - discover for yourself, not be told. So we have to find out what is the accurate, correct, right action, or right livelihood in the world of reality, and reality includes illusion. Don't escape, don't move away, belief is an illusion, and the activities of belief are neurotic, nationalism and all the rest of it is another form of reality, but an illusion. So taking all that as reality, what is the right action there?
那么 , 在这样的现实中 , 什么是正确的行动?而你又如何去发现在这样的现实中什么是正确的?——你自己去发现 , 而不是由别人告诉你 。 所以 , 我们必须弄清楚精确、恰当、正确的行动是什么 , 或者在现实世界中正确的谋生之道是什么 , 而现实也包括了幻觉 。 不要逃避 , 不要躲开 , 信仰是一种幻觉 , 信仰产生的行为是神经质的 , 国家主义以及诸如此类的一切是另一种形式的现实 , 但也是幻觉 。 所以认识到了这一切都是现实 , 那么此时正确的行动是什么?
Who is going to tell you? Nobody, obviously. But when you see reality without illusion, the very perception of that reality is your intelligence, isn't it? in which there is no mixture of reality and illusion. So when there is observation of reality, the reality of the tree, the reality of the tent, reality which thought has put together, including visions, illusions, when you see all that reality, the very perception of that is your intelligence - isn't it? So your intelligence says what you are going to do. I wonder if you understand this?分页标题
由谁来告诉你答案呢?显然没有人告诉你 。 但是 , 当你毫无幻觉地看到现实 , 对那现实的洞察本身就是你的智慧 , 不是吗?智慧之中不存在现实与幻觉的混合物 。 所以 , 当你观察到了现实 , 树的现实 , 帐篷的现实 , 思想所造的现实 , 包括幻象和错觉 , 当你看到了所有的现实 , 那洞察本身就是你的智慧——不是吗?所以你的智慧会告诉你该怎么办 。 我想知道你有没有明白这一点?
Intelligence is to perceive what is and what is not - to perceive "what is" and see the reality of "what is", which means you don't have any psychological involvement, any psychological demands, which are all forms of illusion. To see all that is intelligence; and that intelligence will operate wherever you are. Therefore that will tell you what to do.
智慧就是洞察现在如何与现在并非如何——洞察“现在如何”并看到“现在如何”这个现实 , 那意味着你没有任何心理活动 , 没有任何心理需求 , 那些都是各种形式的幻觉 。 看到这一切就是智慧;无论你身在何处 , 那智慧都会起作用 , 因此它会告诉你怎么办 。
Then what is truth? What is the link between reality and truth? The link is this intelligence. Intelligence that sees the totality of reality and therefore doesn't carry it over to truth. And the truth then operates on reality through intelligence.
那么什么是真理?现实与真理之间有什么关联?其间的关联就是这种智慧——智慧看清了现实的整体因而不会把它带入到真理中 。 然后真理就会通过智慧对现实产生作用 。
Truth and Actuality, "Right Livelihood"
