
_原题为:六一儿童节祝福语 , 儿童节走心文案祝大儿童小儿童都快乐!
每日分享励志语录 2020-06-01 07:26:40
六一就是气球牵在手上 , 许下一个孩子气的愿望 。

61 it is the balloon is held in the hand, make a childish wish.
【#儿童节#六一儿童节祝福语,儿童节走心文案祝大儿童小儿童都快乐!】我希望的理想世界里 , 有棉花糖 , 有巧克力做的房子 。
I want an ideal world where there are marshmallows and houses made of chocolate.

从现在开始出发 , 离8岁那年许下的环游世界的梦想就近了一步 。
From now on, I will be one step closer to my dream of traveling around the world that I made when I was 8 years old.
虽然每个儿童节许下的愿望都没有实现 , 但我这个大龄儿童依然在今天又许下了一个愿望 。
Although each children's day made a wish did not come true, but I still make a wish today the older children.

我们成年人其实也是小朋友 , 在妈妈眼里 。
We adults are actually children, in the eyes of the mother.
我也要过六一 , 虽然我已经从幼儿园毕业20年了 , 但是心里依然把自己当小朋友 。
I also want to have 61, although I have graduated from the kindergarten 20 years, but the heart still put themselves as a child.

很想送你一台时光机 , 送我们一起去你那个没有我的童年看看 。
I really want to send you a time machine, send us to your childhood without me.
当所有人都在争先恐后往前冲时 , 我只想在梦里 , 再见一次那些像星星一样闪闪发光的 , 让我每次想起来内心都变得柔软的时光 。
When all the people are rushing forward, I just want to dream, see once again those who shine like the stars, let me think of every time the heart has become soft time.
永远保持孩子般的纯真 , 才能跟这个现实的世界对抗 。
Only by keeping childlike innocence forever can we fight with the real world.
今天六一了 , 爱我的请把你们的小零食 , 都放在我的桌子上 , 别的不收 , 我就是这么容易知足 。
Today 61, love me please put your small snacks on my desk, other do not accept, I am so easy to be satisfied.

比起青年节 , 还是儿童节更适合我呢 。
Compared with youth day, children's day is more suitable for me.
没有什么比让我拥有你更值得快乐的事了 , 儿童节 , 希望你永远是我的小朋友 。
Nothing is more worthy of happiness than to let me have you, children's day, I hope you will always be my little friend.分页标题

只要内心纯真善良 , 你就永远在过儿童节 。
As long as the heart is pure and kind, you will always be in the children's day.
世上最美好的爱情 , 大概就是让两个人都变成对方眼里的小朋友吧 。
The most beautiful love in the world, probably is to let two people each other into each other's eyes of the child.