
玉玺是中国独有的文化 , 有着2000多年的历史 , 纵观159年世博历史从未发行过玺类藏品 , 此次国家发行的世博玉玺传承了中国的文化精髓 , 是继奥运玉玺后的又一巨作 , 是2010年中国上海世博会的标志性藏品 , 是一件非常难得的收藏品;
Decree is unique to Chinese culture, has a history of 2000 years, throughout the 159 world expo history never issued topaz collections, the world expo decree issued by the inherits the essence of Chinese culture, is the decree of the Olympic Games after another masterpiece, is the symbol of the world expo 2010 Shanghai, China collection, is a very rare collection;




此世博宝玺是中国2010上海世博会官方特许商品 , 和田青玉纯手工打造 , 世博宝玺以“乾隆玉玺”为蓝本 , 选用海拔5000米以上的罕见顶级新疆和田名贵青玉 , 著名设计大师亲身指导 , 108道纯手工雕琢而成 , 损耗惊人 , 龙文化、印章文化、玉文化、帝王文化、现代世博文明相结合 , 创造多项世界第一 。 是迄今为止首次发行至高规格的世博会和田玉玺藏品 。
This precious topaz is expo 2010 Shanghai China expo official licensed merchandise, hotan jade pure handmade, precious topaz expo "qianlong imperial seal" as the blueprint, selects the rare top 5000 meters above sea level in xinjiang hetian rare sapphire, famous master design guidance, 108 pure manual carve, loss, cultural, seal culture, jade culture, imperial culture and modern civilization of the world expo, the combination of creating a number of the world. Is so far the first issue of high - specification World Expo and Tian Jade seal collection.
玉在中国向来被视为富贵、祥瑞和权力象征,从“天人合一”之说,到“美玉之国之誉;从“君子佩玉”之德,到“传国玉玺”之尊,8000年的玉文明,与中华文明的形成、生长和繁荣配合相随、水乳融会 。 2010世博会是人类文明融会的大盛会,铭刻中华千年荣耀的“龙冠东方中华印”惊世泛起,首次将中国龙文化、印章文化、玉文化、帝王文化与现代世博文明相团结,依附其深挚的玉文化内在和中国龙的庄重威严,俨然成为2010世博会标志性扛鼎之作,堪称史上的“玉器之王者,永恒印记中国世博的盛世绚烂 。
Jade has always been regarded as a symbol of wealth, auspiciousness and power in China, from the theory of "unity of man and nature" to the "reputation of a beautiful jade country". From the virtue of "gentlemen wearing jade" to the honor of "Passing on the Imperial Seal", the jade civilization of 8,000 years has accompanied the formation, growth and prosperity of the Chinese civilization. Expo 2010 is a big event in the human civilization, is the Chinese one thousand years of glory "dragon champions league east China printing" in the flush, cultural, seal (stamp) for the first time the Chinese culture, jade culture, imperial culture and modern expo civilization unity, depend on its deep solemn majesty of jade culture and the Chinese dragon, acting as a landmark jiuge expo 2010, is the history of "jade king, mark of flourishing China expo and eternal. 分页标题