

近日 , 非裔美国人乔治 ? 弗洛伊德之死引发的抗议示威潮席卷全美 。 图为参加抗议活动的一个黑人小男孩 。 图中英文是:我无法呼吸 。
在任何时候 , 世界上都会有各种各样的“信念气候” 。 譬如有些会像低压系统一样聚集在某些地区 。 有些通常是局部的 , 而另一些则像周期性的大风暴一样席卷整个大陆 。
记住 , 意念就像天气一样自然 。 那么 , 它们遵循着某些模式 , 甚至像更绝对的物理现象一样 , 服从某些定律 。 不幸的是 , 没有人从这样的角度去审视精神实相的本质 。 你会出生在某些群体信念中间 , 而那些群体信念会根据你出生的国度而有所不同 。 当你进入身体时 , 便进入了身体所处的实质环境中 , 所以在出生时 , 你也进入了一个丰富的自然心理环境 。 在那个环境里 , 信念和意念都同样地真实 。
当你熟练地运用你的意识时 , 你当然会审视你周围的信念 , 即使当你产生质疑 , 常常搬离你的原生环境时也是如此 。 你可能移居到另一个地方 , 那里的流行观念就像当地的天气一样 , 更加适合你 。
无论如何 , 对于你自己、你的身体和你的生活 , 你总是会有某些倾向和精神立场 。 其中很多直接或间接地与你祖先的古老神话和信仰相连 。

我们是一体的 。
这种批判性的评价也被放在颜色上 。 白色通常被认为是纯洁的 , 黑色则不纯洁;白色被认为是善良的 , 黑色则是邪恶的 。
这当然涉及到对种族的考量 , 而你必须认识到 , 你现在的种族是你在这个时空里选择投生的一个 。 你们每个人都曾经是不同种族的一员 , 因此 , 从历史的角度看 , 你们每个人都曾经共享这种出生条件所带来的宠辱 。
这里不适合对各个种族的重要性作冗长的讨论 , 然而 , 每个种族都是极有意义的 , 代表了人类作为一个整体的不同面向 。 因此 , 每个种族对于人类心灵都有一种象征意义 。 任何一个种族所经历的外在经验与结构可能会变 , 但内在的象征意义仍将存在 , 并将被创造性地解决 。
你的种族、你对自己种族的信念、你对其他种族的信念 , 以及总体的舆论氛围 , 都会影响你的日常经验 。 简单地说 , 如果你以人的角度来看上帝 , 就会把他投射成属于你自己的那个种族 。 如果你属于少数族裔 , 或是黑人 , 那么你可能会陷在矛盾的信念里 。

你们把白色等同于明亮的意识、善和青春 ,而把黑色等同于无意识、老年和死亡 。
在这个价值体系中 , 你们惧怕黑色种族 , 就像基本上惧怕老年一样 。 黑人被认为是原始人 。 比如说 , 他们被赋予了创造性的音乐才能 , 但在很长一段时间里 , 这些都是“地下”活动:他们创作出相当好的音乐作品 , 却不被允许进入受人尊敬的国家音乐厅 。
因此 , 在你们的社会 , 黑色种族代表了你们所认为的那个混乱、原始、自发、野蛮的无意识部分的自己 , 是“体面的美国公民”的阴暗面 。
那么 , 黑人一方面受到压迫 , 另一方面却又像孩子一样受到纵容 。 一直以来 , 人们都非常担心黑人作为一个种族会逃脱他们的界限——得寸进尺——只因为白人如此害怕内我的本质 , 并且认出了他们这么拼命想在自己之内扼杀的力量 。
国家和个人一样 , 有时候也会有人格分裂 。 因此这其中涉及了一种相互迁就 , 黑人表达了就整个国家而言的某些倾向 , 而白人则表达了其他的特性 。 两个团体都默认了自己的角色 。 当然 , 从更大的角度说 , 每个人在他时他地都曾属于其他种族;或者更准确地说 , 在同时的存在里 , 一个扮演着另一个的角色 。分页标题
应用于老年时 , 黑色意味着对那些无意识力量的回归 。 到目前为止 , 所有这些都是从美国和西方信仰的立场出发的 , 这是我的许多读者所涉及的实相 。 然而 , 在其他“地下”信念体系里 , 黑色被视为伟大的知识、权力与力量的象征 。 当这种情况发展到一个极端时 , 就产生了魔鬼崇拜 。 在这种崇拜中 , 人们知之甚少的创造力与活力以扭曲的形式奔涌而出;于是 , 意识的底面被美化了 , 而牺牲了其他白色的、“有意识的、客观的”价值 。

当别人受压迫时 , 没有人是自由的 。
所有这些也都与你们对清醒与做梦状态的信念有关 , 白人熟悉白天 , 而黑人则熟悉做梦的状态 。 这里又有光明之神与黑暗王子或撒旦的古老联系——全都是在不同发展阶段所做的区分 , 都与现在的意识起源的性质有关 。
古往今来 , 各种地下哲学试图将这两个观念统合起来 , 而从历史的角度看 , 当地下哲学对抗流行观念时 , 却往往由一个极端走向另一个极端 。 譬如说 , 在这些哲学里 , 有一些认为 , 与照亮梦境的真正的知识之光相比 , 日光是苍白的 , 而黑色则是秘密知识的象征 , 这种知识在正常意识中找不到 , 也无法在日光下审视 。
在这里 , 你会发现黑色魔法师的故事;而再一次地 , 年龄也加了进来 。 因此 , 智慧老人的传说就进入了民间故事里 。 死亡被人以善恶、黑白的价值判断来看待——意识的毁灭被视为黑的 , 而意识的复活则是白的 。
明觉之光被体验为白色 , 但它常常出现以描绘灵魂的黑暗 , 或在漆黑的夜晚发光 。 因此对你们而言 , 这两者相互依赖 , 并根据你们的信念改变着内涵 。
在许多古老的文明里 , 人们尊崇黑暗的夜晚 , 探索夜间意识的秘密 , 找出了彼此的关系 。 人们在白天有意识地运用这些知识 。 意识的两个看似分离的面向融合在一起 , 而有了艺术与文明的开花结果 , 那在你们现在几乎是不可想象的 。 在这样的文明中 , 所有的种族都欢喜得各得其所 , 而各个年龄段的人都因其特殊的贡献而受到尊重 。
在这种社会里 , 本章讨论的有限价值判断并不适用 。 个人——或种族——不必扮演特定的角色 , 以表现出人类特性的不同部分;每一个人都被允许是独一无二的 , 连带着这句话所暗示的一切 。
这并不表示人类已经从那种恩宠状态跌落到看似更低的状况 。 它其实意味着你们已经选择将机能与能力多样化 , 可说是孤立了它们 , 为的是学习和了解 , 甚至发展它们的特殊性质 。
有很多方法去吸收你的内在知识 , 同化你关于光明与黑暗、好与坏、年轻与年老的迥异价值观 , 并用这些判断标准 , 以一种最实际的方式丰富你自己的经验 。 这样做时 , 你不仅会提升自己 , 还会提升社会甚至整个世界 。

At any given time there will be various climates of belief pervading the world. Some will be clustered in certain areas, for example, like low-pressure systems. Some will generally be local, and others will sweep across the continents like great periodic storms.
Remember that ideas are as natural as the weather. They follow patterns, then, and obey certain laws even as more strictly physical phenomena do. Unfortunately, no one examines the nature of mental reality from such a viewpoint. You will be born in the midst of certain mass beliefs, and these may vary according to the country of your nativity.
As you come into your body with all of its physical surroundings, so at birth do you emerge into a rich natural psychological environment in which beliefs and ideas are every bit as real. 分页标题
As you become more proficient at using your conscious mind, then of course you examine the beliefs that surround you, even as you question and often move out of your native environment. You may migrate to a climate in which the prevailing ideas suit you better, as well as the weather.
Regardless, there are certain tendencies, mental stances, that you will take about yourself, your body and your life to one degree or another. Many of these will be directly or indirectly connected with old myths and beliefs of your forefathers.

Such critical evaluations are placed upon colors as well. Often white is considered pure, and black impure, white good and black evil.
This of course involves considerations of race, and you must realize that your present race is the one into which you were born, in your terms, in this place and time. Each of you have been members of different races, and so each of you have shared in both the advantages and ignominies attached, in historic terms, to such conditions of birth.
This is not the place for me to go into a long discussion concerning the significance of races, yet each one is highly meaningful, and represents a different aspect of humanity as a whole. Therefore, each race has a symbolic meaning to mankind's psyche. The outside experience and structure of any given race's experience may change, but the inner symbolism will still remain, and be creatively grappled with.
Your daily experience will be affected by your race, your beliefs about it, your beliefs about other races, and the climate of opinion in general. On a quite simple basis, if you consider God in human terms you will project him as belonging to your own race. If you belong to a minority or if you are black, then you may be caught in a conflict of beliefs.

You equate the color white with brilliant consciousness, good, and youth, and the color black with the unconscious, old age and death.
In this value system the black races are feared, as, basically, the aged are feared. The blacks are considered the primitives. To them are assigned creative musical abilities, for example, but for a long time these were "underground" activities: They gave birth to acceptable musical productions but were not admitted themselves into the concert halls of the respectable nation.
In your society therefore the black race has represented what you drink of as the chaotic, primitive, spontaneous, savage, unconscious portions of the self, the underside of the "proper American citizen."
The blacks were to be oppressed then on the one hand, and yet treated indulgently as children on the other. There was always a great fear that the blacks as a race would escape their bounds — given an inch they would take a yard — simply because the whites so greatly feared the nature of the inner self, and recognized the power that they tried so desperately to strangle within themselves. 分页标题
Nations, like individuals, can have split personalities at times. So there was a give-and-take involved in which the blacks expressed certain tendencies for the country as a whole, while the whites expressed other characteristics.
Both groups acquiesced to their roles. In larger terms, of course, each has belonged to other races in other times and places; or to be more accurate, in simultaneous existences one plays out the other's role.
Applied to old age, the color black denotes a returning to those unconscious forces. Now all of this so far is from the standpoint of American and western belief. It is simply the reality in which many of my readers are involved. In other "underground" systems of belief, however, black is seen as a symbol of great knowledge, power and strength. When this is carried to an extreme you wind up with devil cults, in which the poorly understood powers of creativity and exuberance rush out in distorted form; the undersides of consciousness are then glorified at the expense of the other, white, "conscious and objective"values.

All of this is also connected with your beliefs about the waking and dreaming states, white being acquainted with the day, and black with the dreaming condition. Here again is the old connection between the God of Light and the Prince of Darkness, or Satan -- all distinctions made at various levels of development, and having to do with the nature of the origin of the present consciousnes.
Through the ages, again, underground philosophies have tried to combine the two concepts, usually going from one extreme to the otherin combating the current ideas in historical terms. In some of these philosophies the daylight is seen as pallid, for example, in comparison with the true brilliance of knowledge that illuminates the dream state, and black is the symbol then of secret knowledge that cannot be found with normal consciousness, or be scrutinized in the light of day.
Here you find stories of black magicians; and, once more, age enters in so that the legends of the wise old man or woman rise into folklore. Death is viewed in terms of value judgments of good and evil and black and white --the annihilation of consciousness being perceived as black, and its resurrection as white.
The light of ilumination is experienced as white, yet it often appears to delineate the darkness of the soul, or to shine in the black of night. So in your terms of reference the two are dependent one upon the other, changing their connotations according to your beliefs.
In many ancient civilizations, the night with its blackness was revered, and the secrets of nightime consciousness explored. Correlations were made in which such knowledge was used consciously in the daytime. The two seemingly separate aspects of consciousness merged, and there were flowerings of art and civilization that are, in your terms now, almost impossible to conceive. And in such civilizations all races were accorded their place, joyfully, and those of all ages were respected for their particular contributions. 分页标题
In such societies the limited value judgments discussed in this chapter did not apply. Individuals — or races — did not have to take certain specific roles, acting out various portions of humanity's characteristics; each person was allowed to be unique, with all that that implies.
This does not mean that humanity has fallen from that state of grace into what may seem to be a lower condition. It does mean that you have chosen to diversify functions and abilities, to isolate them, so to speak, in order to learn and understand and even to develop their peculiar natures.
There are ways of assimilating your inner knowledge, your contrasting values of light and darkness, good and bad, youth and old age, and of using such criteria to enrich your own experience in a most practical fashion. In so doing you will enhance not only yourself and your society, but the world at large.
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