落叶宏|丧到极致的抑郁文案·夏天太热了 想找个人冷战一下

落叶宏|丧到极致的抑郁文案·夏天太热了 想找个人冷战一下
1.没有在一起的话 , 只有没在一起这一种遗憾 。 如果在一起的话 , 恐怕会多了更多遗憾吧 。
If they are not together, it is only a pity that they are not together. If they are together, I am afraid there will be more regrets.

落叶宏|丧到极致的抑郁文案·夏天太热了 想找个人冷战一下
2.喜欢你这件事并没有打扰我 , 我在每一个社交场合与人正常沟通 , 在每一个需要撒娇的时刻适当示弱 。
The fact that I like you does not disturb me. I communicate normally with people in every social occasion and show weakness appropriately at every moment when I need to be coquettish.

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3.你永远都不会知道 , 我做过最有勇气的事 , 就是放弃了做朋友的机会 , 只想让你知道我喜欢你 。
You will never know that the most courageous thing I have ever done is to give up the opportunity to be friends and just want you to know that I like you.

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4.听说幸福很简单 , 简单到时间一冲就冲淡 , 曾经的海枯又石烂 , 抵不过你最后一句好聚好散 。
I heard that happiness is very simple. It fades as soon as the time passes. The sea was once dry and rotten, but it was not enough for your last sentence to get together.

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5.我们这一生 , 会遇到很多人 , 缘分皆朝生暮死脆弱如露水 。 唯独与你 , 像是一条生生不息的河流 。
In our life, we will meet many people, and the fate will be fragile like dew. With you alone, it seems like a river that is endless.
6.许多时候 , 让我们放不下的 , 其实并不是对方 , 而是那些逝去的共同回忆 。
In many cases, what we can't let go is actually not the other party, but the common memories of the past.

落叶宏|丧到极致的抑郁文案·夏天太热了 想找个人冷战一下
【落叶宏|丧到极致的抑郁文案·夏天太热了 想找个人冷战一下】
落叶宏|丧到极致的抑郁文案·夏天太热了 想找个人冷战一下