
山东中道消防设备有限公司研发生产的水基型机械式自动灭火装置目前在煤矿车辆发动机舱灭火上应用比较多 , 该装置主要采用新型水基作为灭火剂 , 通过K型感温探头探测装置进行探测 , 能够及时有效的发现温度异常并迅速扑灭火灾 , 灭火效率高 , 灭火无污染 , 无二次复燃的发生 , 还可应用于金矿、铁矿、铜矿、钨矿等矿区车辆上 , 下面简单介绍下该装置的应用特点 。
The water-based mechanical automatic fire-extinguishing device developed and produced by Shandong Zhongdao fire-fighting equipment Co., Ltd. is widely used in the fire-fighting of the engine compartment of coal mine vehicles. The device mainly uses new water-based as fire-extinguishing agent, and detects through the K-type temperature probe detection device, which can timely and effectively detect abnormal temperature and quickly extinguish the fire, with high efficiency, no pollution and no pollution The occurrence of secondary reburning can also be applied to mining vehicles of gold mine, iron ore, copper mine and tungsten mine. The application characteristics of the device are briefly introduced below.
水基自动灭火装置灭火剂的基本概述(Basic overview of fire extinguishing agent for water based automatic fire extinguishing device)
车用水基自动灭火剂具有清洁、无毒、良好电绝缘性、灭火效率高、不破坏大气臭氧层的特点 , 是车辆灭火装置灭火剂中的较优者 。
The water-based automatic fire extinguishing agent for vehicles has the characteristics of clean, non-toxic, good electrical insulation, high fire extinguishing efficiency and no damage to the ozone layer of the atmosphere, which is the best fire extinguishing agent in vehicle fire extinguishing device.
水基灭火剂以化学灭火方式为主 。 作为较理想的替代物 , 水基灭火剂按照毒性指标可作为全淹没灭火系统适用于有人作业区域 , 可用于保护经常有人工作或停留的矿区井下场所 。 目前 , 在国际上七氟丙烷灭火系统用以替代卤代烷系统的应用越来越多 , 从应用经验中表明七氟丙烷灭火系统能有效达到预期的保护目的 。
Water based fire extinguishing agent is mainly chemical fire extinguishing method. As an ideal substitute, water-based fire extinguishing agent can be used as total submergence fire-extinguishing system according to toxicity index, which is suitable for manned operation area and can be used to protect underground places where people often work or stay. At present, more and more heptafluoropropane fire extinguishing system is used to replace halogenated system in the world. The application experience shows that the heptafluoropropane fire extinguishing system can effectively achieve the expected protection purpose.
水基自动灭火装置的适用车辆范围(Applicable vehicle range of water based automatic fire extinguishing device)
水基自动灭火装置可适用于无轨胶轮车、露天矿山电动轮汽车、巨无霸、电传动矿山车、液压挖掘机、重型装载机、矿用自卸车、井下防爆运输车辆、特种工程车辆、吊运车辆、矿山卡车、矿卡、铰接式矿用自卸车、机械转动车辆、侧卸式运输车、矿山卡车发动机舱、辅助车辆、掘进机、柴油发动机舱、机油发动机舱、汽油发动机舱、宽体矿用车辆、宽体重卡等车辆 。分页标题
Water based automatic fire extinguishing device can be applied to trackless rubber tyred vehicle, open-pit mine electric wheel truck, jumbo, electric drive mining vehicle, hydraulic excavator, heavy loader, mining dump truck, Underground Explosion-proof transport vehicle, special engineering vehicle, lifting vehicle, mine truck, mine truck, articulated mine dump truck, mechanical rotation vehicle, side dump truck, mine truck engine Cabin, auxiliary vehicles, roadheader, diesel engine room, oil engine compartment, gasoline engine compartment, wide body mining vehicles, wide body heavy truck and other vehicles.