3月22日是世界水日 , 今年的主题是:珍惜水、爱护水 。 水资源是有限的 , 如果每人每天少用一滴水 , 一年节约的水量可达几十万吨 。 其实 , 只要改变一下你的生活方式 , 在家就能成为节水小能手 。
1. Fix minor leaks around your home.
Replace damaged pipes and leaky faucets to avoid wasting water. Inspect your water meter and utility bills every month to see how much water you’re using. If you notice a random spike, it may be a sign that you have a leaky pipe somewhere in your home. A poorly-sealed pipe or leaky toilet can waste up to 340 L of water a day, so resolving these problems can save a lot of water in the long run.
更换损坏的水管和漏水的水龙头来避免浪费水 。 每月检查你的水表和水费账单 , 查看自己用了多少水 。 如果你发现水费突然增加 , 可能意味着你家里的某个水管在漏水 。 漏水的水管或马桶一天可浪费多达340升的水 , 所以解决这些问题从长远来看可以节省很多水 。
2. Turn the faucet off while you brush or shave.
【节水|改变你的生活方式 就能轻松节水】刷牙或刮脸的时候关掉水龙头
This is one of the easiest ways to cut back on your water usage. There’s no need to keep the water running while you’re in the process of cleaning your teeth or trimming your beard. It may sound hard to believe, but you can save roughly 760 L of water a month just by shutting the water off once you go about your business!
这是最容易的节水方法之一 。 在刷牙或剃须时没必要让水一直流 。 或许听上去难以置信 , 但是只要你每次不用水就马上关掉水龙头 , 一个月就能节省约760升的水 。
3. Take shorter showers.
Get into the habit of taking showers that last 5 minutes or less whenever you can. Everyone loves a long, hot shower, but your showerhead uses roughly 7.6 L of water a minute. You’ll save a lot of water over time if you stick with short rinses, and you’ll be just as squeaky clean as you normally would after a long shower.
养成每次洗澡不超过5分钟的习惯 。 大家都喜欢洗长时间的热水浴 , 但是淋浴喷头每分钟就会喷出约7.6升水 。 如果你坚持短时间淋浴 , 时间长了你会节省很多水 , 而且你的身体会和长时间淋浴后一样干净 。
4. Switch to water-saving fixtures.
Swap out your showerhead and faucets for low-flow alternatives. By upgrading your showerhead and sink fixtures, you’ll cut back dramatically on your water usage. This is an easy way to conserve water without even changing the way you wash, flush, or shower!
将你的淋浴喷头或水龙头换成节水装置 。 通过升级你的喷头和水龙头 , 你可以极大地节省用水量 。 这种节水方法很轻松 , 你甚至不用改变洗漱、冲马桶或淋浴的方式!
5. Run your dishwasher and washing machine only when it's full.
Using household appliances more effectively is a great way to save water. There’s nothing wrong with trying to keep your kitchen clean, but you’re going through a lot of water if you’re in the habit of running your dishwasher every day. By waiting until the dishwasher is full, you’re getting the most bang for your buck when it comes to the water you’re using. And always make sure that you have enough dirty clothing for a full load.
更高效地使用家用电器也是节水的一个妙招 。 保持厨房干净没有错 , 但是如果你天天用洗碗机就会用掉很多水 。 如果你在洗碗机装满时才运转 , 你就能最大化地利用水资源 。 同样 , 洗衣机运转的时候要保证里面塞满了脏衣服 。
6. Use water-efficient appliances.
The next time you need to replace a dishwasher, washing machine, or water heater, purchase a water-efficient appliance. Not only will this cut back on your water consumption, but you’ll save money over time when it comes to utility costs.
下一次你需要更换洗碗机、洗衣机或热水器时 , 要购买节水电器 。 不只是因为这样能省水 , 而且长远来看还能省下不少生活费用 。
7. Avoid washing your car or use a bucket.
尽量少洗车 , 或者用水桶打水洗车
Put the hose down and let the rain clean your car for you. If you do feel the need to wash your vehicle, fill a few buckets instead of using your garden hose to clean your vehicle off and rinse it. If you use a hose to wash your vehicle, you’ll use roughly 190 L of water. A few buckets will only require 19–38 L, though.
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