
Qing coppers, scientific mechanism in the qing dynasty (cca, casting began in the qing dynasty emperor guangxu 26 years, to xuantong three years. Casting circulation time only more than ten years, heyday a total of 17 provinces in boot casting copper round. When ZhiQian ten wen qing copper is one of the ten honorary product in currency of the mechanism of China's modern, with excellent historical value, artistic value and collection value.
儒行天弈精品推荐----大清铜币户部当制钱十文】大清铜币,背面是一条栩栩如生的神龙。在中国,收藏家极其喜欢这枚钱币,因为中华民族是龙的传人,在民间传说,“大清铜币”背面的龙,能增加一个人的气 运,使其时刻在龙气的保护下,趋吉避凶。随着钱币市场投资热潮的高涨,如今市场上又兴起了收藏大清银币。据了解,古钱币在收藏市场一直是比较热门的收藏品,宣统三年大清银币有不同版式,其中大清银币长须龙、大清银币短须龙、大清银币大尾龙比较稀少,也是收藏与投资价值的重头戏。
Qing coppers, is a lifelike dragon on the back. In China, like this coin collectors extremely, because the Chinese nation is a descendant of the dragon, in folklore, "qing coppers" on the back of the dragon, can increase a person's gas, make timely carved dragon under the protection of gas, hasten lucky avoids disaster. As the money market investment boom is high, now rise again qing silver collection on the market. According to understand, ancient COINS in the collection market has always been a popular collection, qing xuantong three years have different formats, including qing denarii, bearded dragons, qing stubble, leg, qing silver dragon sparse, collection and investment value of the key.
文中此大清铜币直径:2.8cm 重量:7g。藏品保存较好,其色泽自然,不论是文字还是图案,都显得自然细腻,深浅合适。大清铜币丙午“户部当制钱十文”。外环铸“大清铜币”四字及珠圈,上缘铸“丙午”、下缘铸“当制钱十文”五字,两侧为“户”,“部”两字。背面为蟠龙祥云图案,外圈为光绪年造。神龙纹路依旧,如刀刻所成,铸造工艺神乎其技,且龙身纹路精美,并有云海衬托,威风凛凛。
In this paper, the qing coppers "diameter: 2.8 cm weight: 7g. Collection preservation is good, its colour and lustre is natural, whether text or pattern, appear natural and exquisite, suitable depth. Qing coppers c noon "fact when ZhiQian ten". Outer casting "qing coppers" four words and bead ring, the flange edge of casting "noon" c, cast "when ZhiQian ten article" five words, both sides to "family" "department" two words. Back to panlong xiangyun pattern, guangxu years maker of outer ring. Dragon grain, still as cutter, casting process of god on its technology, and the pattern of the dragons, elegant, and have foil clouds, commanding presence.