中国专业化的数学论坛之一 数学论坛哪个好( 二 )
Time: 2017-3-11
Location: 42 Yin Gao Road, Shanghai (Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated High School)
Host: Tongtu Education
Contractor: IB center of JDFZ, IBer, A Leveler
Venue Support: Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated High School
Co-organizer: Casio
Special support: Dingsi
Media support: Blue-oak
Diyijiaoyu、TBEducation、NSI Xinxueshuo、Babazhenbang、Jingkids
13:00-13:20 Welcome & Introductions
13:20-14:15 Lectures: Sharing by International School Mathematics Teacher
14:15-14:30 Break
14:30-15:00 Sharing activities, group discussions
15:00-16:00 Sharing activities, presided over by Huang Weimin
As a maths teacher with an international education background in China, what do you think of the following questions?
1. What are your strengths in international curriculum? How do you make use of these features?
2. In the international curriculum teaching, in which place have you made mistakes? How do you change these errors?
3. How do you apply local resources to the teaching of international mathematics?
Application Details:
Participants: International Curriculum School IBDP (A Level / AP )Mathematics Teachers
Size: 八0 (of which 30 major teachers, 50 teachers in attendance)
Language: Chinese and English
Registration via:
WeChat: 13917220511
(For more information, please consult Mr. He: 13917220511)
Registration information:
name+school+mobile phone number+mailbox
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