百闻不如一见英文(百闻不如一见的下一句)( 二 )

<有钱能使鬼推磨 Money makes the world go around. /Money talks. C>4$JR江山易改本性难移 The child is father of the man. W$6QZg,百无一失 Not a single miss in a hundred times. $I{Rh702?百闻不如一见 To see is to believe. (Seeing is believing.) ~@`zv_.>+d吃得苦中苦,方为人上人 If you wish to be the best man, you must be prepared to suffer the bitterest of the bitter. (UfMH4每人一生中皆有得意之日 Every dog has his day. J)EO5i色是假,美是空 Charm is deceitful, and beauty empty. +(s"0N[1吉人自有天相 The good are protected by Heaven. / All"s wel that ends well. >uD$%0bbR/如人饮水冷暖自知 Only the wearer knows where the shoes pain. fX5,w :M吃得苦中苦,方为人上人 No gain without pain. 9F@{@0fxOP|zkd7划 ZnX|^28弄巧成拙 Overreach oneself; overshoot oneself; overshoot the mark B8}ezX忍无可忍 to be at the end of one"s patience 2U2&6(S.忍一时之气免百日之忧 patience for a moment; comfort for many years FtkmzA)s忘恩负义 to kick down the ladder Q)j+o} @8D走马看花 a flying visit Hh7" 1:防患於未然 to nip a thing in the bud 7- \ etfN佛要金装,人要衣装 Fine feathers make fine birds. 3t"KJjO!e兵精不必多 Too many cooks spoil the broth. !F: !h身在福中不知福 The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it. Sf` aN8Z*你敬我一尺,我回你一丈 You scratch my back, and I will sratch yours. q|pw>6Ak别狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心 Don"t bite the hand that feeds you. <(Jt_1**9志在千里 Hitch your wagon to a star. &8# 22Htw;%0 M8划 RjCc*t]?奇装异服 a fantastic garb E|},EDc0忠言逆耳 Honest advice is unpleasant to the ear eFelT{明辨是非 to distinguish right from wrong 7~]g>$Fm{知足常乐 Happy is he who is content FR0#"xc =知足者富 He who feels contented is rich m"(;v7$hk知人知面不知心 It"s easy to know men"s faces, but not their hearts. Kzep]LW知己知彼百战百胜 Know your enemy and know yourself. Lgm^H|6W!g空中楼阁 castles in the air ]5[1])zp金科玉律 the gold rule E mh D6)奇装异服 a fantastic garb 1 ^U\aj#明辨事非 to distinguish right fromwrong D+XYH6)雨后春笋 like bamboo shoots after a spring shower O=7.P C雨过天青 After a storm comes a calm. P W"h "秀才不出门能知天下事 A scholor does not step outside his gate, yet he knows the happenings under the sun. b4WrIYU|事实胜於雄辩 Facts are most convincing. r1+BwNp来得容易去得快 Easy come, easy go. X/;xM1金玉其外败絮其中 All that glitters is not gold. N]~L0Z兔子不吃窝边草 The fox preys farthest from his hole. y/\10\AIa若要人不知除非己莫为 If you would not be known to do anything, never do it. Zf2c?走汤蹈火 to go through fire and water P419qj$D风烛残年 to have one foot in the grave =$& DztS]风声鹤唳,草木皆兵 to apprehend danger in every sound , Nz6\Z@3c活到老学到老 It"s never too late to learn./ Live and learn. )UCZX]"前事不忘后事之师 Remember the past and it will guide your future. N>r6"0_\星星之火可以燎原 A single spark can start a prairie fire. -yh"|f待人宽容如待己 Live and let live. jx]Xi 按部就班 Learn to walk before you run. J2,B!Z/~g&{wZNyN!~10划 Lf|iPJ=-k病从口入祸从口出 Illness comes in by mouth and comes out by it. [,b8uw @hJ笑裏藏刀 a ile to hide one"s hate mSv/BAev留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 Where there"s life there"s hope Y YA/QLJ6海底捞月 to fish in the air Xpz/60$]H海底捞针 to look for a needle in a bundle of hay`Y4Pykx>差之毫厘失之千里 A miss is as good as a mile bjeVG9 ;X既往不咎 Let the dead bury their dead. r;Q_+^/杀身成仁 to sacrifice one"s life to preserve one"s virtue complete h!NB/p;杀鸡焉用牛刀 Take not a musket to kill a butterfly 7:~%-&b饥不择食 A good appetite is a good sauce. 7^=!yu<`害群之马 black sheep (HdMhj T家丑不可外扬 Don"t wash your dirty linen in public. )!JLn^I恩威并济 alternate weakness with severity MjW[d:d*Mo旁观者清 The outside sees the best of the game. +VbqzD&时运不济 to have a bad time G~IQ=殊途同归 All roads lead to Rome . DNz7X众志成城/团结就是力量 Union is strenth. u><.}5%Tz沧海一栗 a drop in the bucket /iA4x8e盖棺论定 Judge none blessed before his death. (]y\bz"`岁月不饶人 Time and tide wait for no man. v3a zsJ经验即良师 Experience is the teacher. tR"Z>ZtB