It has not happened to me for a long time that I would be interested in something like this game. It looks really amazing. I hope for a global release.
看起来很棒!对这个游戏,我很感兴趣 。希望能全球公测 。
I though this is gonna be a classic turn based or at the least something like FF12 ATB, guess will skip unless come global.
这将是一个经典的回合制游戏,至少是《最终幻想12》级别的,除非它能全球公测,否则我们只能跳过 。
Xross Legends
Some parts of the game reminded me of Masterworks Genesis something, I would like that game to come to global as well at some point.
游戏的部分让我想起了《幻书启世录》,希望它能全球公测 。
Konome Yuka
Sadly the CN, TW, and JP versions of masterwork genesis apocalypse ended their service, TW and JP had their plugs pulled last month and I have no clue when CN ended its service, only that it was before the tw and jp versions announced their EOS, meaning a global version is probably never gonna happen.
遗憾的是,《幻书启世录》的国服、台服,日服已停 。台服和日服是上个月停的,我不知道国服什么时候停 。但随着台服,日服的停服,意味着全球公测将不可能实现 。
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