圆通:美“抗疫队长”福奇、疾控中心主任将自我隔离 与白宫确诊人员有过接触
美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)9日报道称 , 美国传染病专家福奇将进行“改良的自我隔离” 。 此前 , 他曾接触过一名新冠病毒检测呈阳性的白宫工作人员 。
Dr. Anthony Fauci tells CBS News he will go into \"modified quarantine\" following exposure to a White House staffer who tested positive for the coronavirus. CBS报道截图
目前 , 包括福奇在内 , 白宫应对新冠疫情工作组已经有三人自我隔离 , 另外两人分别是疾控中心主任雷德菲尔德和食药监局局长哈恩 。
据悉 , 目前 , 福奇的新冠病毒检测呈阴性 。
福奇表示 , 根据他与这名员工的接触方式来看 , 他属于“低风险” , 出于充分的谨慎而进行隔离 。
Fauci says he is \"low risk\" based on the type of exposure he had to the staffer and is quarantining out of an abundance of caution.
美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)9日报道称 , 低风险接触是指福奇与那名感染者接触时 , 距离并不是很近 。
The \"low risk\" assessment means he was not in close proximity to the person who tested positive during the time when that person was known to be positive for the virus.
福奇解释称 , 所谓“改良的自我隔离” , 意味着他将在家里远程工作 , 连续14天佩戴口罩 , 他还将每天接受检查 。 他表示 , 可能还会去他在美国国立卫生研究院的办公室进行工作 , 那里只有他一个人 。
Fauci said he is doing what he calls a \"modified quarantine\" meaning he will stay at home and telework wearing a mask continually for 14 days. He said he might also go to his office at the National Institutes of Health where he is the only one there.
福奇表示 ,如果白宫或国会山需要他 , 他将在采取所有预防措施后前去 。
If he is called to the White House or Capitol Hill he will go while taking every precaution he said.
CNN报道称 , 尽管官方并没有确认与福奇等人接触的是谁 , 但上周五 , 副总统迈克·彭斯的新闻秘书凯蒂·米勒的新冠病毒检测呈阳性 , 而她经常参加白宫应对新冠疫情工作组会议 。
Officials will not identify the person to whom Hahn or Redfield were exposed. However Katie Miller the press secretary to Vice President Mike Pence tested positive on Friday. She is known to often be in the White House coronavirus task force meetings.
CNN报道称 , 白宫曾在上周五向全体工作人员发送了一封题为“我们正在采取的重要预防措施”的电子邮件 , 说明在米勒被检测呈阳性后 , 白宫正在采取措施防止新冠疫情传播 。
Meanwhile the White House sent out an email to all staff on Friday titled \"Strong Precautions We Are Taking\" about the measures the White House is taking to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the wake of Miller's positive test an official said.
CNN获得的邮件副本显示 , 白宫工作人员被要求保持最大的工作距离、报告自己的旅行情况 , 并且监测自己的健康状况 。
The note mostly discussed maintaining maximum telework for staff reporting travel and monitoring one's own symptoms according to a copy reviewed by CNN.
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