天空体育 | 昨天命中平局高赔 北伦敦德比再送好料
周六009 英超 热刺VS阿森纳
Merson"s prediction
This is a bit of a home game for Arsenal due to their Wembley record. They"ve lost six away games this season, but have got one of the best records at Wembley in recent years. (阿森纳本赛季已经输了六个客场比赛,但是这场对阵热刺更像是他们的主场,因为这些年阿森纳在温布利拥有很出色的战绩)
Spurs" Wembley record is better than it was, but Arsenal have the ammunition to hurt them. If Wenger turned round and said: "Aubameyang, Ozil, Mkhitaryan and Ramsey, you four go and get on with it", and the other six keep it tight then I would give them a great chance. But the two Arsenal full-backs will be playing as wingers after five minutes and you know they"ll be all over the shop defensively. (热刺在温布利的战绩也有所提升,但是阿森纳有足够多的武器对付他们。如果温格转身说:‘奥巴梅杨、厄齐尔、姆希塔良、拉姆塞,你们四个一起冲吧’,其他六个人保持紧密队形负责防守,那我认为对阿森纳是很好的一个机会。但是阿森纳的两个边后卫在比赛开始后会像两个边锋一样去进攻,这给他们的防守留下了隐患。)
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