天空体育 | 英超:哈德斯菲尔德主场无力反弹
周日005 英超 哈德斯VS伯恩茅斯
Merson"s prediction
Six or seven weeks ago Huddersfield would be highlighting this game as one to win, but Bournemouth are seven games undefeated. If you gave Huddersfield this position at the start of the season, with 12 games to go, they"d have gone: "right, we"ll start from here". (如果在六七周之前,哈德斯菲尔德肯定要争取胜利的,但是伯恩茅斯已经7轮不败了。)
If Bournemouth are anywhere near the level they had at Chelsea, they"ll win comfortably. They thought they could just turn up against Stoke but they turned it back around there too. (伯恩茅斯如果能表现出接近对阵切尔西那场的水平,他们会轻松的取胜。)
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