




众所周知,中国的新年春节同样在韩国 日本 越南等国家盛行,但是在西方英语世界里中国的农历新年就是指中国的新年,那么越南等国家的人民如何看待这种事情呢?毕竟越南的历法的确来自中国的历法。



Son Ha Nguyn

Why would we be? The chinese invented that calen dar in the first place, atleast according to most historians which i am not


AnonymousInterestingly the“Chinese New Year” issue only exists in the English world. In Chinese culture it s just called“Spring Festival”( for the beginning of spring)or“Crossing the New Year”. And it s inh erently unbiased because it corresponds to the calender which is used both by vietnam andChinaThe issue starts when Western people noticed the festival and since they observed it, they were going to name it“civicly”, like they took names for other barbaric habits and concept in other uncivilized tribes so“New y……

有趣的是,“中国新年”这个名称问题只存在于英语世界中。在中国文化中,它被称为“春节”(春天的开始减“过新年”。它本身就没有任何的偏见,因为它与越南和中国都在使用的日历相对应。当西方人注意到这个节日的时候,这个问题就开始了。因为他们注意到了这个节日,他们就会把这个名字随意命名为“awcy,就像他们在其他不文明的部落里,为其他野蛮的习惯和概念取的名字一样。因此,将“春节”或“春节”称为“中国的新年”,只是因为它在中国首次被观察到。这种命名传统延续了几个世纪。因此“中国新年”的英文名并不是因为它只是“中国人的”,而是因为,这个节日首先是在一个被开化人类称为“中国”的地区发现的。顺便说一下,它与这个国家的名字没有任何关系。我们可以很容易地找到更多类似的例子。例如, Diospyros就被称为日本柿子,因为它是在日本首次发现的。广东饭被称为广东米,因为它是在广东第一次被西方看到的。所以说英语是在滥用当地的概念,而当地人则深受其害因此,亚洲人认为这一“中国的新年”问题没有意义。更重要的是摆脱这种以欧洲为中心的命名痴狂症。在越南,“春节”被称为”Tet“,它源自于大多数东亚人都庆祝的一个节日,其中包括了中国人。它是一种继承于共同文化的现代分支,无论当前的政治或意识形态如何,它都是伟大而值得传承的。它的内涵比表面听起来的意义更加重要。



Vinh phu Pham

As a Vietnamese person who celebrates Tet, i do not find it particularly offensive when people refer to it as Chinese New Years. The reason for thisis that, the traditions which constitute what we know as Tet are derived inpart from the Chinese celebration. It would be nice to simply refer to this as the lunar new year, but most people mean no offense when they say Chinese New yearSo in assuming people‘s best intentions saying Chinese New Year is notpolitical statement about cultural property, but rather just a shorthand for the holid aso.. To me they are the same, and it is not offensive.Hope this helps!


quyen lang hanhle use the phrase”Tet Holiday“(ortet for short) more frequen ty thanChinese(lunar) New Year”. Tet is the biggest holiday in Vietnam that celbrates the arrival of Spring based on Vietnamese Calendar which is in turnmostly based on Chinese Calendar. I think this is the reason why some people mistaken one word with the other. Ive got many foreign friends(some from Japan, some from China, and many from Western countries). Many of them(especially Japanese and Chinese) seemed not to confuse“Tet with Chinese Nw Year and used the word correctly while some(very few, mostly Westerns。




Hoang NguyenI see people around me call Lunar New Year or simply Tet holiday, no one refers tet as chinese new yearSo, the answer is no, certainly.


Tim TranNot sure if i’m qualified to answer this, since i‘m Chinese vietnamese. Therefore i celebrate Lunar New year with traditions from both culturesTt is a sino-vietn amese word and came from china and the lunar calendarVietnam uses is derived from China, and everyone in Vietnam are aware of this. So i doubt vietnamese would care how its called?



