直击考场 | 2018.04.07雅思考试内容解析(完整版)
直击考场 | 栏目推送说明
口语话题Sample Answer
Describe a piece of technology (not computer-related) you like to use 科技产品(与电脑无关)
You should say:
What the technology is
When it was invented
What it is used for
How you feel about it.
Well, a couple of weeks ago, I bought myself an Apple watch, and I’ve been wearing it every single day. As you may know, it’s a smart watch, which incorporates fitness tracking and a lot of cool functions...
I loved it for quite a few reasons. The most vital one is its special features. It looks like a watch, but it does so much that a regular watch couldn"t do. For example, about the fitness tracking functions I mentioned earlier, Apple Watch has got some sorts of sensors, which keep track of my activities, and when it"s paired with my phone, I get to see how far I"ve run, and where I"ve been to. And it also shows my heart rate and other vital figures. I am a runner myself, and this is something I could really use...
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