Bilingual·Foreign Business|亚洲消费电子展汽车技术陪你玩

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Bilingual·Foreign Business|亚洲消费电子展汽车技术陪你玩


展会 | 2018亚洲消费电子展汽车技术展区规模创新高

CES Asia 2018 to Feature Largest Vehicle Technology Exhibit

创新 | 谷歌架设6000英里海底电缆

Google install a 6000-mile undersea cable

合作 | 海航深化与泰雷兹合作伙伴关系

Hainan Airlines Expands Partnership With Thales

企业 | 苏格兰纺织企业国际业务大幅增长

Scottish Textiles Company Announces International Growth


Bilingual·Foreign Business|亚洲消费电子展汽车技术陪你玩


CES Asia 2018 to Feature Largest Vehicle Technology Exhibit


The Consumer Technology Association (CTA) announced that CES Asia 2018 will feature the largest vehicle technology exhibit to date with leading automakers and vehicle tech companies launching new self-driving technologies and the latest concept cars.


Advances in technology are making cars safer and more connected. At CES Asia audiences will experience the latest breakthroughs in self-driving vehicles and more interactive features, including more integrated applications of artificial intelligence.


Horizon Robotics, whose embedded AI solution is giving self-driving vehicles its “brain,” will debut at the show.


Baidu will offer two driving demos>CES Asia will be home to 56 automotive exhibitors across the largest automotive show floor foot print to date, nearly 50 percent bigger than last year.

2018亚洲消费电子展将于2018年6月13 - 15日在上海新国际博览中心盛大举办。

CES Asia will run June 13-15, 2018 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC).

Bilingual·Foreign Business|亚洲消费电子展汽车技术陪你玩


Google install a 6,000-mile undersea cable


Google’s little-known but vast deep-sea empire is expanding. The search giant said Tuesday that it has started installing a 6,000-mile undersea cable between Japan and Australia in an effort to increase network capacity for its growing cloud computing business. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2019.


Google’s new fiber-optic cable is the latest in a series it has installed over the past 10 years to provide Internet connectivity and improve its services in places like Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore. Although there are already over 300 undersea cables worldwide that are owned by various companies, they can’t provide the networking power that Google requires—especially to grow its cloud business overseas.


Cloud computing providers and other tech companies with vast data center infrastructure have increased the pace of laying undersea fiber-optic cables over the last three years. Microsoft and Facebook, for instance, recently installed a 4,000-mile cable across the Atlantic Ocean between Virginia and Spain. Like Google, these companies are rapidly building data centers worldwide and need undersea cables to connect it all.

Bilingual·Foreign Business|亚洲消费电子展汽车技术陪你玩


Hainan Airlines Expands Partnership With Thales


Hainan Airline recently with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding positioning Thales as the strategic inflight entertainment and connectivity provider for the Airlines new wide body A350 fleet.


Through this initiative, Hainan Airlines and Thales extend their cooperation and deepen their long term partnership.


Delivering>As announced earlier this year in January, Thales was selected to equip HNA Group airlines with its latest AVANT In-Flight Entertainment system>XWB aircraft including Thales FlytCARE maintenance services.


The subsidiary airlines of HNA Group have a combined fleet of over 50 A330 aircraft flying with Thales IFE systems.

Bilingual·Foreign Business|亚洲消费电子展汽车技术陪你玩


Scottish Textiles Company Announces International Growth


The Wilkie Group has announced that it has posted a 35% increase in turnover with net profits more than doubling in their recently released annual accounts at a Business Innovation & Entrepreneurship forum in Shanghai recently.


The event was attended by over 100 Chinese businesses and industry leaders who also engaged in panel discussions with leading Scottish academics.


Speaking at the forum, Julian Taylor, Executive Director for Asia Pacific at SDI says, “The Wilkie Group developed their market leading Advanced Textile Technology proposition, and winning new customers and delivering significant global growth in terms of both turnover and profits.


Wilkie Group has been at the forefront of innovation in the technical textile sector for 150 years and has a global footprint that includes manufacturing facilities in Scotland, China and India.


The Wilkie Group has been operating in China since 2007. In 2015 they opened a new £5m purpose built factory in Jiaxing near Shanghai.


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编辑 / 李静

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Bilingual·Foreign Business|亚洲消费电子展汽车技术陪你玩