恩比德隔扣班巴欢迎他来到联盟,美国球迷:大帝的护球还是有待进( 五 )

哈哈哈,我刚意识到恩比德的饮食习惯已经变了。但是想到在那期《Hot Ones》里,他说自己一顿能吃15个巧克力酱三明治,我就觉得很好玩。

[–]Lakers730_50Shots 24 指標 2小時前

i saw once that the rock on his cheat day has an absurd amount of food. these guys are humongous and incredibly fit. those muscles need that energy to kick ass


[–]WizardsDamn_Croissant 116 指標 3小時前

Don"t even talk about proportional big men without mentioning YAO MING. The man has the GOAT 7"6" but just looks like a scaled-up athletic dude body. So much mass and tree trunks for legs instead of "skinny(er)" legs that all other 7-footers seem to have.

I mean DAMN, SON. Just look.
