Get Your Connect Course Ready!( 三 )
So here’s the good news: You don’t have to. McGraw-Hill Education has already setup turn-key, getting started Connect courses for all courses and disciplines. We can happily send those courses to your Connect account so you can just simply change the dates to fit your summer or fall schedule. No catch, no gimmicks, and no extra steps.
To get these courses sent your way just let us know what courses you teach and can contact your local MHE rep.
3. Online "How Tos"
Sometimes talking to a person about how to set something up is the last thing you want to do. We get it. For our DIY-inclined instructors, McGraw-Hill Education has a searchable database of "How To" articles, screenshots, and videos that help you customize and setup Connect to match your course syllabubs. Visit us online to find the resources you need.
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