除非马刺松口,否则湖人将中止交易谈判:伦纳德何时定去向?( 五 )

[–][GSW] Anderson VarejaoPodracing 64 指標 2小時前

You can keep him, we aren"t breaking up the original core yet.


[–]Lakersdeadscene 123 指標 3小時前

He should just pull a Vince Carter, reputation already ruined anyway


[–][PHO] Tyler Ulisthekidboy 46 指標 3小時前

Idk playing terribly after missing a season might damage his value when it comes to Free Agency.


[–][HOU] Clint CapelaJagMaster9000 22 指標 2小時前

Dependes how he does it, if it’s obvious he’s just not trying and occasionally demonstrates he still has the athleticism he’ll be okay