基于创造发明开创公司的观念在美国历史上有着深厚的渊源。当欧洲人在北美洲定居时,那时候的情形是有大量的土地和自然资源,但劳动力相对较少。因此,通过创新和使用机器来减少对劳动力的需求很有价值。大约240年前, 《美利坚合众国宪法》就要求新的美国政府将建立一个国家专利局。美国历史上就表达了让新公司成长的意愿,即使这样意味着上一代企业将面临困难甚至破产。
China might want to look at some US institutions and industries that have been fairly successful over time and see if there are lessons to be learned. For example, many of the world’s top colleges and universities are inthe US. The US has some of the world’s largest financial markets, used bypeople all over the world. The US has a number of the world’s leading companiesin logistics, the business of delivering goods and services. The US economy hasa long tradition that many small companies get started, and a few grow intonational and even global giants.
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