Bilingual·Foreign Business|让象牙只属于大象( 三 )
Poaching for ivory is> 最近关于大象的一些研究也引起了人们的普遍关注,那就是没有外露象牙的大象似乎越来越多了。这是因为盗猎者更倾向于捕杀有象牙的大象,导致存活下来的大象又把无象牙的基因不断地传递下去。 Recent studies show that an increasing number of elephants are now born tuskless because over decades, poachers have consistently targeted animals with the best ivory, fundamentally altering their gene pool. 一些地区的数据显示,没有象牙的母象比例已高达98%,而在过去,这个比例通常在6%左右。 In some regions, 98% of the female elephants have no tusks, compared to a mere 6% in the past.