TKT视频大辞典【Methodology 5.37-5.39】

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TKT视频大辞典【Methodology 5.37-5.39】

TKT Glossary 新东方师训讲堂本篇词汇:

5.37. Feedback

5.38. Finger Correction

5.39. Form, highlighting




It is a form of correction where the teacher shows the location of the error in the sentence by using fingers.

Example: “I don’t like play computer games.”

The teacher can highlight the fourth finger on his hand to show that the fourth word has a problem.

(See → Correction; Self- correction)




When teachers present new language, they usually highlight the form.

It is widely agreed that highlighting of form should occur with highlighting of meaning. Usually form comes straight after meaning being established and clarified.

There are various methods for highlighting form and most teaching methodology books will devote whole chapters to this.

点击左下角阅读原文,浏览上期内容TKT视频大辞典【5.34. Extensive Reading / Listening, 5.35. Extension Task, 5.36. Extract】


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TKT视频大辞典【Methodology 5.37-5.39】

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TKT视频大辞典【Methodology 5.37-5.39】