看美剧学雅思 | 「通知我」英文怎么说?

看美剧学雅思 | 「通知我」英文怎么说?




看美剧学雅思 | 「通知我」英文怎么说?

All creatures upon the surface of the earth share one common fate—death. Different yet is only how we are journeying to it. 

And between birth and death lies the mere existence that we call life. Sima Qian once said, “We’ll all die a death, either heftier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather.” And to Russel, death is like a stream joining in the ocean, merging into the vastness and blending into intangibility.


详见波特兰罗素原文“How to grow old”

An individual human existence should be like a river – small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past rocks and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being.

看美剧学雅思 | 「通知我」英文怎么说?

作为一位英语爱好者,历史爱好者,战争兵器中世纪爱好者,还是最爱权利游戏中千面神使者Jaqen H’ghar的那一句“Valar Morghulis (凡人皆有一死)”。

I have always been a crazy fan of English and History and Wars and Weapons and the Medieval Ages, and love the most the doctrine of Jaqen H’ghar, servant of the Many Faced God, from A Game of Thrones, which is, Valar Morghulis. 


冷峻的面容,低沉的语调,苍白的罩袍,冰冷的钢刀,再加上一句一般人听不懂的瓦雷利亚小短句“Valar Morghulis (凡人皆有一死)”,这次第,怎一个酷字了得?

His cold face, thick voice, deathly pale robe, icy sword and a short but bewildering Valerian Valar Morghulis, make such a cool combination that even the sun might lose its heat at his presence.


阿汤哥的电影明日边缘《Edge of Tomorrow》讲述的就是这样的故事。

Shockingly, death may come in packs and haunt a same person several times. Birth and death, rebirth and redeath… it is like a wheel rolling on and on, with no sign of a pause, as was illustrated in the movie of Edge of Tomorrow, starring Tom Cruise.

看美剧学雅思 | 「通知我」英文怎么说?


It is called a Loop, this rolling wheel, one that even a god may get trapped within.



For so many years, the word loop has been remembered as such and its original meaning, a closed curve that doesn’t not intersect itself, is well over our heads, like Hodor from A Game of Thrones, how many still remember him as Walder, the stable boy.

看美剧学雅思 | 「通知我」英文怎么说?


So this time, let’s pick up the old school and learn a slang with the original meaning of Loop. 

看美剧学雅思 | 「通知我」英文怎么说?




看美剧学雅思 | 「通知我」英文怎么说?
看美剧学雅思 | 「通知我」英文怎么说?


看美剧学雅思 | 「通知我」英文怎么说?

该剧讲述Letty(Michelle Dockery 饰)是个诈骗高手兼小偷,她人生总是做错各种决定。但当她知道一名杀手(Juan Diego Botto饰)要谋杀某人的妻子时,她最终决定阻挠,也因此跟杀手结下不解孽缘。


Shop lady: Excuse me, miss? Would you mind taking your phone call outside? Store policy.

Letty: Of course. I’m so sorry.

Letty: I have no idea how he got away. I haven’t talked to him and I have no idea where he is.

Christian: So where are you?

Letty: With Jacob. We’re fine. And that you for helping me that night, even though I didn’t end up finding Javier. Thank you for helping me try.

Christian: Of course. Anytime.

Letty: Great. So if you find out that Lashever is setting another trap for Javier, you’ll let me know?

Christian: You are with him.

Letty: No, I am not. But if you stay closer to her, and find anything out, I’d just really appreciate it if you keep me in the loop.

Christian: I won’t be seeing much of her anymore. She is not interested in a relationship. 


keep me in the loop

  • 让我知道,随时通知我

  • 相当于keep me posted 或者keep me informed

  • 看美剧学雅思 栏目










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    看美剧学雅思 第二期: 《单身公寓》:emotional bomb

    看美剧学雅思  第三期: 《破产姐妹》:Lady luck throw me a bone.

    看美剧学雅思  第四期:《少年谢尔顿》: beside onself

    看美剧学雅思 第五期:《衰女大翻身》:give him a little nudge

    看美剧学雅思 | 「通知我」英文怎么说?