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What would happen if China invaded North Korea?傻大方资讯 编辑整理
如果中国入侵朝鲜会发生什么?傻大方资讯 http:///


Joseph Wang, studied at Ph.D Astronomy UT Austin, Physics MIT傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered Feb 18傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Everything is going to be asking “what the hell are you doing?” and you are going to be having a lot of phone calls and meetings between Beijing, Moscow, Tokyo, Seoul, and Washington. I can’t imagine Chinese troops going south across the Yalu without American and South Korean troops crossing the DMZ. Also someone in the CIA is going to get fired, because having China do a sudden attack without anyone knowing in the US that it’s likely to happen would be a very, very bad thing.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
全世界都会问你“你他娘的到底在干些什么?”北京与莫斯科、东京、首尔和华盛顿之间将会有很多电话和会议。我想象不出如果中国军队越过鸭绿鸭而美韩军队不穿越非军事区的样子(意味着两边开战)。同时,中央情报局的人也会被炒鱿鱼,因为如果中国发动这场突然袭击,美国又没有人知道,那将是一件非常非常糟糕的事情。傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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The big problem (which is why no one is really thinking of invading North Korea) is to figure out what happens after the war. You are going to have an occupation that makes Iraq look easy傻大方资讯 编辑整理
最大的问题(这就是为什么没有人真的想入侵朝鲜)是要搞清楚战后发生了什么。所以你会有一份让伊拉克那摊子事儿看起来很轻松的工作。傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Daniel Wong傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered Feb 19傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Now can I ask the question, “Who are the NK nukes really for?” Well if they were for the US, they still can’t reach mainland and there is still no opportunity to get leverage from the NK nukes not to mention getting through the US THAAD and all the other systems between NK and mainland USA. And the reason what will happen if China invades North Korea is getting pretty clear, leverage on China!傻大方资讯 编辑整理
现在我可以问这样一个问题:“朝鲜造核武器到底是为了什么?”“如果是为了美国人,他们(的攻击)仍然无法到达美国本土,而且他们然没有机会从朝鲜的核武器中获得影响力,更不用说造出的核弹还不能通过美国萨德系统和美国国内的其他系统。”而如果中国入侵朝鲜,会发生什么就很明了了。他们在利用中国!傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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With functional nukes, China will not dare move. Hitting Shanghai and Beijing is equivalent to hitting the entire population of North Korea. Only difference is that the 25 million people in NK are living spread across the whole country. Maybe China has more nukes but for every kiloton, NK can hit a lot more Chinese than China can hit NK.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
有了核武器,中国就不敢轻举妄动。打击上海和北京造成的损失相当于朝鲜的全部人口。唯一不同的是,北韩2500万人生活在全国各地。也许中国拥有更多的核武器,但每千吨核武器朝鲜都能比中国击中更多的中国人傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Of course NK won’t be stupid enough to gamble against China with so many people and soldiers in the army, or are they? Why do you think that the NK rulers do what they do? Let me quote Sun Tzu whom even NK is still a fan of傻大方资讯 编辑整理
当然,朝鲜不会愚蠢到拿这么多人口和军队士兵一起去和中国赌博,或者他们真是这样想的?你为什么认为朝鲜统治者正在做的事就是他们心中所想?让我引用一句孙子的话吧,即使北朝鲜也是他的粉丝。傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”傻大方资讯 编辑整理
孙子曰:兵者,诡道也。故能而示之不能,用而示之不用,近而示之远,远而示之近。傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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The guy holding the nuke button in NK needs to be unpredictable. The enemies of NK must believe that he is nuts enough to press the nuke button against anybody, US or China included.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
在朝鲜持有核武器的人需要让你觉得他是不可揣测的。必须让朝鲜的敌人们相信,他足够疯狂到按下核武器的按钮来对付任何人,包括美国和中国。傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Orlando Barrios, works at Miskatonic University傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered Aug 25, 2016傻大方资讯 编辑整理
:What will happen if China invades North Korea?傻大方资讯 编辑整理
如果中国入侵朝鲜会发生什么?傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Considering that North Korea basically doesn't have any ally except China and North Korea is gradually getting out of China's control, what will be the response from the international society?:傻大方资讯 编辑整理
考虑到除中国外朝鲜基本上没有任何盟友,此时的它正在逐渐脱离中国的控制,国际社会将会做出怎样的回应呢?傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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So, China crosses the Yalu once again. Having veto power means that they don’t care about the United Nations, no matter what they say or try to do.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
所以,中国会再一次跨过鸭绿吗?傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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However, they actually will care about what others will say and do: they know that the South Korean government will order full mobilization, Japan will put its ‘self-defense forces’ in ‘constant alert’ and the United States will also mobilize its local forces.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
然而他们事实上会关心其他人说什么、做什么。他们知道那时会充分调动南韩政府,日本把会他们的自我防卫力量投入到不断的警报声中,美国当地的军事实力也会被调动起来。傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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So, probably they will call Seoul and Washington (and maybe Tokyo) beforehand and let them know why they are invading and what they plan to do.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
所以,他们可能会事先打电话给首尔和华盛顿(也许还有东京),让他们知道他们为什么入侵,他们打算接下来怎么做。傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Say they found out that the North Koreans, failing and in desperation, are preparing to launch an all-out offensive southwards, and knowing that the North Koreans will be crushed, they don’t want to risk South Korean/US forces again in the Manchurian border.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
就说他们发觉朝鲜正陷入失败和绝望之中,并准备向南发动全面攻势。由于明白朝鲜的进攻必将会被粉碎,所以他们不想韩国和美国直接将军队推进到他们的边境地区。傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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North Korea is neutralized, and slowly reformed into a still authoritarian but decent ‘world citizen’ faithfully following China’s lead.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
北朝鲜的危机被解决,并被慢慢地改造成专制而得体的“世界公民”,忠实地遵照中国的命令行事.傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Katie Pedro, former HR Director, Asia at Kabam (2015-2017)傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered Feb 19傻大方资讯 编辑整理
If China invades North Korea without being seriously provoked (like North Korea invades first or drop a nuke on China's soil kind seriousness), it would violate so many value propositions China holds, the whole world will be scrambling to find out what the hell happened. The most common guess is an internal power shift by insurgents happened.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
如果中国在没有受到严重挑衅的情况下入侵朝鲜(例如朝鲜先入侵中国或在中国的领土上投下了一核核弹),那么这会违背中国所声明的许多价值主张,全世界都将争相查明到底发生了什么。最常见的猜测是叛乱分子内部发生了权力转移。傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Internally, there will be a national outcry questioning why we don't spend money to put an 100% medical insurance coverage (currently covers from 40–70% of the medical bill vary from province to province) and free highway network, but spend the money in invading another country。傻大方资讯 编辑整理
中国国内将会有一场全国性的抗议,质问为什么我们把钱花在100%覆盖的医疗保险(目前覆盖的范围根据省份不同大概有40-70%不等)和免费的高速公路网络上,而是把钱花在入侵另外一个国家上。傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Andrea Torti, Foreign Languages & Bioengineering - with blood and tears in between :)傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered Aug 25, 2016傻大方资讯 编辑整理
I think China will try to keep the status quo as long as possible - also preventing South Korea, Japan and the U.S. from posing a real threat to North Korea.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
However, since Kim’s leadership has proved to be quite erratic, Pyongyang may well end up provoking Beijing in some way in the future.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
我认为,中国将尽可能地保持现状,同时阻止韩国、日本和美国对朝鲜构成真正的威胁。然而,由于金正日的领导能力已经被证明变得相当不稳定,平壤很可能在将来哪天以某种方式触怒北京。傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Should this happen, China is likely to reach an agreement with Washington and Seoul for a joint solution - which might involve an invasion.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
A possible outcome could be Kim’s ousting and the institution of a less fanatical and less dangerous government in NK.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
如果这种情况发生,中国可能会与华盛顿和首尔达成一项联合解决方案——这可能涉及到入侵。一个可能的结果可能是金正日的下台,然后再扶持一个不那么狂热、不那么危险的朝鲜政府。傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Sam Raviva傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered Aug 25, 2016傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Originally Answered:聽What would happen if China invaded North Korea?傻大方资讯 编辑整理
With no real reason? The UN would be forced to intervene. Taking NK out would be great, but allowing China to expand is against global law and against the west's interests. It would also make uniting the north and south a lot more difficult if China were to annex or just occupy NK, so you can bet the US would get involved.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
你指的是在没有真正理由的情况下(入侵朝鲜)吗?果真如此的话联合国将被迫进行干预。解决朝鲜问题是件好事,但允许中国扩张的话就违反了国际法、也违背了西方的利益。如果中国吞并或占领朝鲜,这会使南北韩统一变得更加艰难,所以我们打赌美国必将牵扯进来。傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Logically, China would back off since they would probably wouldn't get any outside support and invading NK wouldn't be worth a costly war and inevitable sanctions.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
从逻辑上讲,(这时候)中国可能会退缩,因为他们可能会得不到外界的支持,入侵朝鲜也不值得引发一场代价高昂的战争和不可避免的制裁。傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Samuel Liu, been here since 1995, can't"shake this loving feeling"傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered Aug 25, 2016傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Originally Answered: What would happen if China invaded North Korea?傻大方资讯 编辑整理
If China invaded North Korea, then the Chinese government would be responsible for another 25million people. China would lose its competitive edge as arbitrator of the Korean Peninsula.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
如果中国入侵朝鲜,那么中国政府将不得不对另外2500万朝鲜国民负起责任。他将失去作为朝鲜半岛仲裁人的竞争优势。傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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The USA would place or sell more military arms in East Asia!傻大方资讯 编辑整理
The Chinese government doesn’t want this responsibility, while it shines as the Negotiator. Also an East Asian Arm race is very positive傻大方资讯 编辑整理
for the USA!傻大方资讯 编辑整理
美国将在东亚地区安置或出售更多的军事武器!中国政府不希望承担这一事情的后果,他会很热心的充当一个磋商者。另外,东亚的军备竞赛对美国来说是非常具有积极意义的(大好事)!傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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M. Junaid Mahmood, An Engineer who has traveled the world傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered Aug 25, 2016傻大方资讯 编辑整理
For China Nothing much. It will be a milk run for China. Nothing would achieved either with that ambition.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
For the North Koreans, it depends. If china plays positively an announces rewards for desertions from the NK army and acts as well on its promise, there will be desertions.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
侵略朝鲜)对中国来说得不到太多实质的好处。存有这样野心的他其实什么也不会得到。对朝鲜一方来说则要视情况而定。如果中国对从北韩撤军发出建设性的声明,并很好的履行其承诺,那他就是一个值得去做的事情。傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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For NK civilians, unfortunately, war does bring misery for the masses.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
For the rest of the world, US will be happy so will SK. Also the rest of the world will term it freedom and will not interfere.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
The civilians will be the ones who will suffer and no one will understand why!傻大方资讯 编辑整理
不幸的是,对于朝鲜平民来说,战争确实给人民带来了痛苦。对于世界其他国家来说,美国将会很高兴,韩国也是。世界其他国家也将称之为自由的行动而不会干涉。受苦的始终将是平民,没有人能理解为什么!傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Rajat Shukla, L.L.B Law & Public Oration, University of Lucknow (2015)傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered May 15, 2016傻大方资讯 编辑整理
This question has no particular answer cause if china invades there may be a possibility of nuclear war as korea is a notorius country.It an do anything at instance without considering its affects.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
这个问题没有特别的答案,如果中国入侵朝鲜,那可能会引发一场核战争。因为朝鲜是一个臭名昭著的国家。它可以在不考虑影响的情况下做任何事情。傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Zoey Shen傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered Feb 16傻大方资讯 编辑整理
maybe they will launch their so called nuclear bomb; if they really have nuclear weapons, the devastation would be imaginable, as this is a unrational nation who may not consider too much about the influence of expanding the war to larger scale傻大方资讯 编辑整理
也许他们会发射他们所谓的核弹;如果他们真的拥有核武器,那将是可以想象到的,因为这是一个不理性的国家。他们可能不会过多考虑将战争扩大到更大规模带来的影响傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Jones Averino, College Student傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered Aug 25, 2016傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Originally Answered: What would happen if China invaded North Korea?傻大方资讯 编辑整理
A new pro-China NK leader would be installed and probably tensions here and there but i think most of the world would be glad that at least the new leader will be more in control instead of running wild everyday.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
一个新的亲中国的朝鲜领导人将会被扶持上位,可能仍会有这样那样的紧张情况,但我认为令世界上大多数人高兴的是至少新领导人将会更容易控制,而不是每天都生活在疯狂之中。傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Bruce Li, a Chinese with some overseas experiences傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered Jan 15, 2016傻大方资讯 编辑整理
China will not invade North Korea. That's just too bad an idea for a country who wants to show the world how it loves peace.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Why would China invade a poor country for no good?傻大方资讯 编辑整理
中国不会入侵朝鲜。对于一个想向世界展示其热爱和平理念的国家来说,这实在是太糟糕了。为什么中国要侵略一个贫穷的国家?傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Zhihao Shi傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered Jan 5, 2015傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Probably they will be glad to see China bring swift destruction on themselves?傻大方资讯 编辑整理
也许他们会很高兴看到中国迅速自我毁灭。傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Glenn Lee, works at Northern California傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered Feb 16傻大方资讯 编辑整理
If China is more like Russia, this invasion would have happened long ago. The US and S. Korea would like nothing better than watch the two combatants maul each other. Russia would annex N. Korea, but what would China do with N. Korea. How would China benefit from the invasion of N. Korea? If N. Korea show any sign of being a danger to China, China would be in N. Korea. China like the fact that N. Korea is an irritant to Japan and to the US.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
如果中国更像俄罗斯一点,那入侵早就发生了。美国和韩国都不希望看到两名战斗人员互相殴打。俄罗斯会吞并朝鲜,但中国会对朝鲜做些什么呢?中国将如何从朝鲜的入侵中获益?如果朝鲜表现出任何对中国构成威胁的迹象,中国就会在朝鲜。中国喜欢这样一个事实,即朝鲜对日本和美国都是一个刺激因素。傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Michael Yasuko, Masters Computer Science, The University of Texas at Austin傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered Feb 23傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Basically a prolonged insurgency movement with regards to North Korea. The US and its allies would be very angry because they wanted to conquer North Korea, not China.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
这主要是一场针对朝鲜的长期起义运动。美国及其盟友将非常愤怒,因为他们想要征服的是朝鲜,而不是中国。傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
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Austin Nguyen, Former child, loves physics, 17 years experience of dreaming傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered Aug 25, 2016傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Originally Answered: What would happen if China invaded North Korea?傻大方资讯 编辑整理
They don't like North Korea. If anyone that would be a good thing. A country could be liberated from real tyranny. We wouldn't have to appease them and it would be 1 less thing for the world to worry about傻大方资讯 编辑整理
North Koreans are always trying to cross the border. It is very under the influence of China but they have no intention of invading North Korea. It's more of an annoyance to everyone than anything.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
他们不喜欢朝鲜。如果有谁这么做了(侵略朝鲜)那将会是一件好事。这个国家可以从真正的暴政中解放出来。我们再也不需要总是安抚他们,让全世界都担心朝鲜人会不会总是企图越过边境去,总归是少了一件麻烦。它在中国的影响力之下,但中国并没有入侵朝鲜的意图。对每个人来说比任何事情都更令人烦恼。傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Everyone just pays them to shut up and be quiet. (Don't nuke the world).傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Btw China has much more border problems than the US. We only have 2 neighbors and 1 has a major border problem…傻大方资讯 编辑整理
in China there's傻大方资讯 编辑整理
每个人现在在做的都只是付钱好让他们闭嘴,保持安静。(不要用核弹攻击世界)。顺便说下,中国的边境问题比美国多得多。我们只有两个邻居( 北部是【加拿大】 南部是【墨西哥】 ),其中一个有一些边境问题。而中国方面:傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
傻大方资讯 编辑整理
North Korea in the NE,傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Russia in the North傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Bunch of Soviet satellites傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Mongolia傻大方资讯 编辑整理
South East Asia and the South China Sea trade routes and border.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Japan傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Taiwan傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Hong Kong傻大方资讯 编辑整理
东北的朝鲜傻大方资讯 编辑整理
北方的俄罗斯傻大方资讯 编辑整理
苏联卫星国傻大方资讯 编辑整理
蒙古傻大方资讯 编辑整理
东南亚和中国南海贸易线以及边界傻大方资讯 编辑整理
日本傻大方资讯 编辑整理
台湾傻大方资讯 编辑整理
傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
… NO ONE including NorthKorea likes North Korea.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
包括朝鲜自己在内的任何一个国家都不喜欢朝鲜。傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Mike Page, Served in Army combat units in Europe and Asia during Vietnam & Gulf War I Era.傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered Aug 27, 2016傻大方资讯 编辑整理
The Chinese have no real incentive to invade North Korea. It is a basket case. There is nothing that I know of that would benefit the Chinese from occupying that place. So, if they did invade - they would have a lot of hungry people to feed and not much in return to show for it. I suspect that within a year they would be out of there - if not sooner. Perhaps they would sell the country to the South Koreans?傻大方资讯 编辑整理
中国没有入侵朝鲜的真正动机,这是个完全没有希望的国家。就我所知,没有什么值得中国去占领这个地方。所以,如果他们真的入侵了朝鲜,就会有很多饥饿的人来找他们寻求食物,而不是回报他们什么。我怀疑,在一年之内他们就会离开那里——如果不是更早的话。也许他们会把这个国家卖给韩国人?傻大方资讯 编辑整理
傻大方资讯 http:///傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Quora User, worked at The United States of America傻大方资讯 编辑整理
Answered Aug 22, 2015傻大方资讯 编辑整理
China would probably beat the crap out of North Korea and then South Korea would also attack and then the end of North Korea傻大方资讯 编辑整理
中国可能会打败朝鲜,然后韩国也会攻击朝鲜,再然后,朝鲜GAME OVER。傻大方资讯 http:///

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