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天空体育 | 切尔西急需反弹

周二023 英超 哈德斯菲尔德VS切尔西

比赛时间:2017-12-13 04:00


Merson"s prediction

Chelsea just didn"t get going on Saturday. It was a cup final for West Ham, so they upped their game against the champions. I covered Huddersfield the other day and they were excellent. Chelsea need to win this. I just think that Chelsea will do what Tottenham did to Huddersfield. Top four is a must for Chelsea.(切尔西在周末与西汉姆的比赛什么都没得到。哈德斯菲尔德很出色,在别的情况下我会支持他们,但他们本场对阵的是切尔西。切尔西需要赢得这场比赛的胜利,我认为他们做到,像热刺之前拿下哈镇一样。前四位置是切尔西志在必得的。)

Paul predicts 0-2



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