


Interesting Joel Embiid quote on people eventually turning on him.



"People love you at the beginning," Embiid explains. "But at some point they"re gonna start hating you. LeBron. Russell Westbrook. All the superstars. Even Steph. He"s so likable. He does nothing wrong, but some people still hate him. It just comes with the nature of it. I"ve seen it. I feel like I"m about to go through it. I think it"s coming. People always want something new."

link to full story





[–]NetsKlemhammer 1333 指標 8小時前

Ah yes the all so familiar ‘Anti Circle Jerk’


 [–]NuggetsBallMop 438 指標 8小時前

All of the young bigs, Towns, Jokic, Embiid, Turner, Porzingis have been constantly put through the circle jerk and anti circle jerk cycle.


[–]76ersgustriandos 522 指標 8小時前

I ask r/NBA every morning if I"m supposed to like towns or not


[–]SpursMightBeJerryWest 223 指標 7小時前

Waiting for someone to just make the app so we can check it in the morning

checks phone ah okay today we don"t like KAT


【打开手机,查看App】 好吧,今天我们都不待见唐斯。

[–]NetsSelfDeprecating 136 指標 6小時前

How long until everyone stops passively rooting for the Nets out of pity?


[–]76ersuntrustable2 85 指標 6小時前

As soon as they"re not worth pitying I guess haha I dunno bout evryone else but I"ll root for basically any team who were written off from the playoff race except the lakers cos r/nba"s gonna be ugly when they good


[–]Kingscmckone 80 指標 6小時前

Fuck the Lakers



[–][LAL] Kobe BryantChampagnesoda 28 指標 6小時前

Our fanbases are going to fucking hate each other for years. It’s already starting tbh. I’m starting to feel the same way about the sixers as I did about the clippers a few years ago.


[–]FapCabs 34 指標 6小時前

No Lakers fan really hates the Clippers though. It"s just like faux rage. This Sixers-Lakers budding rivalry is starting to feel like ours with Sacramento.


 [–][PHI] Joel EmbiidiFeelLikeJoJoBruh[S] 41 指標 8小時前

have we turned on Turner yet ? I don’t think he gets enough love on r/NBA, at least not as much as Jokic KAT and Jojo (and also the KAT defense thing is pretty egregious I feel like it’s warranted)


[–]KnicksFCantante 73 指標 8小時前

Not really. Unfortunately people here tend to forget Turner even exists.


[–]Raptorsgpc11 26 指標 7小時前



[–]76erswsbull_35 52 指標 7小時前

Evan Turner. He plays for the Blazers.


[–]Trail BlazersSKHRAEURPL 10 指標 4小時前

I wish I could forget about him.



[–]TimberwolvesDreadWolf3 63 指標 7小時前

Rick and Morty will always be prime example of anti circle jerk for me. I never got around to watch it but everyone liked it and it got unreal amounts of love on internet - and then anti circle jerk started when their fans did stupid shit. I feel it is cardinal sin to say you like that show right now.


[译注1]:美国著名成人动画科幻情景喜剧。傻事指的是该剧粉丝在Reddit上设立了分区,进入条件必须是写一篇关于Rick and Morty的论文,并称只有高智商的人才能看得懂这部剧,引来广泛的调侃和嘲讽。

[–]NetsWhoawejustmet 40 指標 6小時前

Which sucks cuz it’s genuinely a good show. But like everything that gets big parts of the fandom got toxic af.


[–]Igoritza 75 指標 6小時前

The problem with Rick and Morty is in the personality flaws of some of the fans - rub it in your face that it is actually for a smart audience. Which is not entirely true, producers just used the best possible way of "multi-layered humor" that Friends introduced back in the day (Chandler representing intelligent humor, where Joey is guy for simple jokes like farts and eating and stuff, with all the rest being in the middle of it)


Many shows tried to emulate that, due to Friends success, and some managed to pull it off and attract audience, but Rick and Morty actually mastered it -

from planet with asses that fart randomly (fart jokes, simplest type of humor) and guy named Mr. Poopybutthole, Garblovians (my favorite aliens ever! :D "Gaba blag blag" ) all the way to severely complicated mental state of Rick with his superiority complex intertwined with his nihilism, view of purpose in life, and constant struggle to suppress emotions that he obviously has, in order to separate himself from the human, that he is, to a cosmic deity that he think is a title he deserves

许多剧都因为《老友记》的成功曾经学过这种表达方式,有些也确实做到了并且吸引了不少观众。但是《瑞克和莫蒂》在这方面则是炉火纯青,从Mr. Poopybutthole[译注2], Garblovians(我最喜欢的外星人!)这些简单的一直到瑞克因为他的“至尊情结”、“虚无主义”、他对生命意义的看法、和作为凡人但为了自己应得的宇宙神明身份而不停压抑显而易见的情感,以将自己区分出普通人的行列各种事情相互交错所造成的复杂精神状况。这些都产生了各种层次、类型的笑料。

[译注2]:Mr. Poopybutthole和Garblovians为剧中人物。

There are serious life lessons to be learned from Rick and Morty even if you tihnk are smart, even if you actually are smart, even from episodes that are kinda of boring (like the Toxic Rick and morty for instance) where you realize some of the most peculiar traits of human nature, delivered to you via a god-damn cartoon.


Problem arose due to bad people that think it is ONLY for smart audience and they are smart cause they watch it. Those are the worst people. And, it would seem, like the girl from my facebook that wrote "I now only date guys that watch Rick and Morty" and people like her, are most probably people that do not understand the show as a whole. (which is a bit of a paradox, as it would seem that now im doing it, but I hope you get my point)


Show is phenomenal and is for EVERY audience. If someone tells you that it is for smart people only, first slap them in the head, then ask them to explain to you on which physics theory is Rick"s portal gun based, what would be theoretical power source for it, and if they do not answer slap them again 3 times.



 [–]SunsAnotherDrZoidberg 276 指標 8小時前

I mean, people already have started to turn on him because of his social media shenanigans. In addition to being really good and popular he likes to run his mouth. It"s inevitable, he will have people who don"t like him.


[–][LAL] Kobe Bryantsbairedd13 855 指標 8小時前

Damn, I was just about to start hating on him, and he goes and says this


[–]Warriorstoothbud 511 指標 8小時前

I"m gonna start liking him just to prove him wrong


[–]NBAwhy_rob_y 123 指標 8小時前

No, that"s what he wants you to do! Better hate him just to be safe.


[–]Raptorsjps78 232 指標 8小時前

He"s right in a sense but Embiid brings quality memes so it will be hard to turn on him


[–]WarriorsTortadeMilanesa 69 指標 8小時前

He"s right, but I think his own backlash is still a couple of years away unless the Sixers shock the world and make the Finals this year.


[–]NetsKlemhammer 47 指標 8小時前

Warriors brought so much joy to me when yous beat Lebron for the championship but now Warriors are my most hated team by far and that includes Celtics aswell and now Lebron is my favorite player outside of the Nets players.

But I can see Warriors being fan favs again if KD left tho




 [–][NYK] Chris Copelandbootum 277 指標 7小時前

Even Steph. He"s so likable. He does nothing wrong, but some people still hate him.

a thousand times this



[–]Warriorsfopiecechicken 203 指標 6小時前

Dude, he chews his mouthguard and often hurls it like some sort of venom covered boomerang. He"s basically Satan.


[–]76ersHelreaver 49 指標 6小時前

Have you ever seen Steph and Hitler in the same room? I haven"t.

I"m not trying to imply anything, just pointing that out.




[–]MagicIteLacerti 27 指標 5小時前

Whatever, I want my superstars to make their 3s when arbitrary charity money is on the line at my NBA all star weekend festivities. Until then, he"s basically dead to me.



[–]KnicksIgemonas 22 指標 6小時前

They don"t like how "cocky" he is on the court. He has his moments, but every player celebrates when their team is killing it. GS just happens to win more games so we see it more often from him. Doesn"t help that he is the face of the league"s best team in the past three of the four years.

That being said, I think Steph is the most likable person on the Warriors other than Kerr, but he"s also got Zaza, KD, and Draymond on that team.




 [–]Celticstaco_whisperer 82 指標 8小時前

Except Klay


[–]KingsTheFoxKing5 45 指標 6小時前

I think people like Klay because he just seems like a normal chill dude that just so happens to be really good at basketball. Like he walks out onto the court like I walk into the office. With that like "Ugh... What"s up guys. Another fuckin" day am I right? I"d rather be at home chillin."

Like there"s not really a front about him. There"s no "persona" if that makes sense. Guys like Steph, LeBron, KD, etc. put out a persona for the camera. They are conscious of their image. Klay just don"t give a fuck.




[–]Spursjoelrizner 7 指標 6小時前*

Klay, Dame, Dirk, Timmy, kawhi.. did anyone ever hate KG? (Edit: yes, many did)

I think some guys are just un-unlikable. And that"s just stars. Role players are generally likable (not looking at you Marcus Smart). Who"s gonna hate on Jamal Crawford or Kyle Anderson?



[–]Raptorsfabrar 60 指標 8小時前

Klay"s popularity is entirely memes-based. He does some mundane, banal stuff like drinking beer during an interview or signing a toaster and r/nba turns it into some comic art piece. In reality, he"s pretty dull and uninteresting.




