经济学人|Politics in Cambodia: the logical step(1)

经济学人|Politics in Cambodia: the logical step(1)


经济学人|Politics in Cambodia: the logical step(1)

经济学人|Politics in Cambodia: the logical step(1)

经济学人|Politics in Cambodia: the logical step(1)

Words & phrases   

Cambodia 柬埔寨    Precursor 前辈,先驱    Harassment 威胁,骚扰    Defamation 诽谤,中伤    Trumped-up 捏造的    Treason 背叛,叛国    Parliamentary 国会的    Radical 激进的    

Pesky 烦人的,讨厌的    Opponent 对手,反对者


Cambodia National Rescue Party(CNRP):柬埔寨救国党是柬国内主要反对党之一,该党推崇西式自由、民主、人权;铲除贪污、腐败;发展自由经济,提高人民生活水平。在柬知识分子、工人、市民和青年学生中有较大影响。

Cambodian People’s Party (CPP):柬埔寨人民党,1998年大选获胜,洪森(Hun Sen)出任首相。

Before local elections in June the defence minister declared that the army would "smash the teeth" of anyone who protested against the outcome, as CNRP supporters did in 2013, a few months after a narrow election loss.


经济学人|Politics in Cambodia: the logical step(1)

经济学人|Politics in Cambodia: the logical step(1)


经济学人|Politics in Cambodia: the logical step(1)