

今年的苹果可谓是祸不单行,iOS 11发布之后被不少人戏称为“iBUG”,iPhone 8销量达不到预期,之后还被网友扒出苹果给老款iPhone手机降频,让苹果又顶在了风口浪尖。




12 月29 日,苹果正式发表声明,就降低旧iPhone 性能一事向消费者道歉。表示不会故意缩短任何产品的寿命。同时提出了解决方案,苹果将保修期外的iPhone电池更换价格从从79美元降至29美元,持续时间为1月下旬到2018年12月。

同时,苹果还对此提出了解决方案。从明年开始,对于过保的iPhone 6或之后的手机型号,电池更换费用将从原来的79美元降至29美元。并且将在明年早些时候推送一个新的系统更新,使得用户能知道更多有关手机电池状态的信息。


致广大用户关于 iPhone 电池及性能的说明







为帮助用户更好地了解 iPhone 的充电电池,以及影响电池性能的各种因素,我们发布了一篇新的支持文章《iPhone 电池及性能》。

毫无疑问,这种突如其来的意外关机是不可接受的。我们不想让任何用户因此漏接电话,错过拍照良机,或是影响到他们任何其他方面的 iPhone 体验,我们希望能尽力避免这种情况发生。


大约一年以前,在我们推送的 iOS 10.2.1 中包含了一项软件更新,其目的是用来改进峰值负载下的电源管理,以避免 iPhone 6、iPhone 6 Plus、iPhone 6s、iPhone 6s Plus 和 iPhone SE 意外关机。在这一更新中,iOS 能够在需要时对部分系统组件的最大性能进行灵活管理,以防止出现意外关机。这些变动通常察觉不到,但在某些情况下,用户可能会发现有些 app 的启动时间变长了,有些性能表现变弱了。

用户对于 iOS 10.2.1 的反馈是正面的,因为它成功减少了意外关机的发生。随着 iOS 11.2 更新的推出,我们还将这项支持扩展到了 iPhone 7 和 iPhone 7 Plus。

当然,如果用新的电池替换掉已经化学老化的电池,并在正常情况下使用,iPhone 就会恢复正常的性能表现。


今年秋天,我们开始收到一些用户的反馈,他们发现在某些特定情况下,iPhone 的性能变慢了。基于我们的经验,我们最初认为是由这两个因素的结合所导致:当操作系统升级时, iPhone 安装了新的软件、更新应用程序对性能造成的一个正常的临时性影响,以及在系统更新的初始版本中已经修复的那些小错误。

我们现在认为,较早期的 iPhone 6 和 iPhone 6s 上电池的持续化学老化,是影响这些用户体验的另一个因素,这些设备中有很多仍在使用最初的那块电池。


我们一直希望尽可能延长 iPhone 的使用寿命。Apple 的产品以经久耐用而著称,它们能够长时间保持原有价值,对此我们深感自豪。

为了解决用户的担忧,对他们的信赖表示感激,并让任何可能对 Apple 的出发点有过疑虑的人对我们重拾信心,我们决定采取以下措施:

Apple 将更换过了保修期电池的价格降低了 RMB 390 元,从 RMB 608 元降到 RMB 218 元。此举针对使用 iPhone 6 及后续机型的需要更换电池的用户,在全球范围内从 2018 年 1 月底持续到 12 月。详细活动信息将于近期在 apple.com/cn 上公布。

2018 年初,我们会发布一项 iOS 软件更新,其中的新功能可让用户更清楚地了解 iPhone 的电池健康状况,用户可以亲眼看到其状况是否影响了性能。


对 Apple 来说,用户的信任意味着一切。我们将矢志不渝、努力赢得并呵护好这份信任。正是因为您的信念和支持,我们才能从事这份我们热爱的工作。我们永远不会忘记这一点,或认为这理所当然。


A Message to Our Customers about iPhone Batteries and Performance

We‘ve been hearing feedback fROM our customers about the way we handle performance for iPhones wITh older batteries and how we have communicated that process。 We know that some of you feel Apple has let you down。 We apologize。 There’s been a lot of misunderstanding about this issue, so we would like to clarify and let you know about some changes we‘re making。

First and foremost, we have never — and would never — do anything to intentionally shorten the life of any Apple product, or degrade the user experience to drive customer upgrades。 Our goal has always been to create products that our customers love, and making iPhones last as long as possible is an important part of that。

  How batteries age

All rechargeable batteries are consumable components that become less effective as they cheMICally age and their ability to hold a charge diminishes。 Time and the number of times a Battery has been charged are not the only factors in this chemical aging process。

Device use also affects the performance of a battery over its lifespan。 For example, leaving or charging a battery in a hot environment can cause a battery to age faster。 These are characteristics of battery chemistry, common to lithium-ion batteries across the industry。

A chemically aged battery also becomes less capable of delivering peak energy loADS, especially in a low state of charge, which may result in a device unexpectedly shutting itself down in some situations。

  To help customers learn more about iPhone‘s rechargeable battery and the factors affecting its performance, we’ve posted a new support article, iPhone Battery and Performance。

It should go without saying that we think sudden, unexpected shutdowns are unacceptable。 We don‘t want any of our users to lose a call, miss taking a picture or have any other part of their iPhone experience interrupted if we can avoid it。

Preventing unexpected shutdowns

About a year ago in iOS 10.2.1, we delivered a software update that improves power management during peak workloads to avoid unexpected shutdowns on iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and iPhone SE。 With the update, iOS dynamically manages the maximum performance of some system components when needed to prevent a shutdown。 While these changes may go unnoticed, in some cases users may experience longer launch times for apps and other reductions in performance。

Customer response to iOS 10.2.1 was positive, as it successfully reduced the occurrence of unexpected shutdowns。 We recently extended the same support for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus in iOS 11.2。

Of course, when a chemically aged battery is replaced with a new one, iPhone performance returns to normal when operated in standard conditions。

Recent user feedback

Over the course of this fall, we began to receive feedback from some users who were seeing slower performance in certain situations。 Based on our experience, we initially thought this was due to a combination of two factors: a normal, temporary performance impact when upgrading the operating system as iPhone installs new software and updates apps, and minor bugs in the initial release which have since been fixed。

We now believe that another contributor to these user experiences is the continued chemical aging of the batteries in older iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s devices, many of which are still running on their original batteries。

Addressing customer concerns

We‘ve always wanted our customers to be able to use their iPhones as long as possible。 We’re proud that Apple products are known for their durability, and for holding their value longer than our competitors‘ devices。

To address our customers‘ concerns, to recognize their loyalty and to regain the trust of anyone who may have doubted Apple’s intentions, we‘ve decided to take the following steps:

Apple is reducing the price of an out-of-warranty iPhone battery replacement by $50 — from $79 to $29 — for anyone with an iPhone 6 or later whose battery needs to be replaced, starting in late January and available worldwide through December 2018。 Details will be provided soon on apple.com。

  Early in 2018, we will issue an iOS software update with new features that give users more visibility into the health of their iPhone‘s battery, so they can see for thEMSelves if its condition is affecting performance。

As always, our team is working on ways to make the user experience even better, including improving how we manage performance and avoid unexpected shutdowns as batteries age。

At Apple, our customers‘ trust means everything to us。 We will never stop working to earn and maintain it。 We are able to do the work we love only because of your faith and support — and we will never forget that or take it for granted。















硬件/基带丨高级技术经理 研发&项目管理(13年+)






