_原题为 驻英大使:英国有识之士们 , 拒绝华为就是拒绝未来
据“中国驻英国大使馆”微信公众号消息 , 2020年7月29日 , 香港主流英文大报《南华早报》在纸质版和网络版刊登刘晓明大使署名文章:《拒绝华为就是拒绝未来》 。
最近 , 英国政府宣布将在未来5G建设中“禁用华为” 。 这是一个令人失望和寒心的错误决定 。 我认为 , 拒绝华为就是拒绝机遇 , 就是拒绝增长 , 就是拒绝未来 。
首先 , 拒绝华为就是拒绝机遇 。 200多年前 , 英国引领第一次工业革命 , 中国错失了第一次工业革命的历史机遇 。 当前第四次工业革命正蓬勃发展 , 而第五代移动通信网络是关乎第四次工业革命的关键基础设施 。 现在英国拒绝华为 , 意味着放弃了5G领域最具创新能力的企业和最先进的技术 , 英国5G发展将落入慢车道 , 英国也可能错失参与和引领第四次工业革命的时代先机 。
华为曾是中英互利合作的典范 , 过去十年中国对英投资增长了20倍 , 中英企业在英国密切合作、协力创新、共同成长 。 英国制定了在2025年实现5G和全光纤网络全覆盖的计划 , 华为拥有强大制造能力和优秀研发团队 , 本可为英国5G建设提供助力 , 英国在人才、技术和创意上也有比较优势 , 但现在拒绝华为将使英国错失中英在5G发展中优势互补、携手并进、共同引领5G时代的机遇 。
第二 , 拒绝华为就是拒绝增长 。 5G关乎全球经济增长的新动能 。 当前 , 新冠肺炎疫情对世界经济造成严重冲击 , 英国经济遭遇数十年来最严重衰退 , 推动疫后经济复苏是各国共同面临的艰巨任务 。 华为在英国运营20多年 , 累计采购投资30多亿英镑 , 创造2.6万个就业岗位 , 建立了5个研发中心 , 为英国电信业和经济社会发展做出巨大贡献 。 华为2018年宣布未来5年追加投资30亿英镑 , 但现在这些投资计划将难以实现 。
据英国电信运营商估计 , 将华为设备从通信网络中拆除将耗费数十亿英镑 , 未来英国5G建设将推迟至少2至3年 , 多花费68亿英镑 , 英国消费者将最终为这一错误决定买单 。 更为重要的是 , 中国是全球最具活力、增长最快的市场 , 连续14年成为世界经济增长的主要发动机 , 我们欢迎包括英国在内的世界各国搭乘中国发展快车 。 拒绝华为将使英国错失中国发展红利 , 迟滞创新增长步伐 , 增加经济复苏困难 。
第三 , 拒绝华为就是拒绝未来 。 5G关乎人类未来发展的方方面面 。 5G作为新一轮科技革命的代表性技术 , 与云计算、大数据、人工智能、区块链等结合 , 将开启万物互联、人机深度交互、智能引领变革的新征程 , 为传统产业数字化转型按下“加速键” , 给未来全球发展注入新的强劲动力 。 据预测 , 至2035年 , 5G有望为全球经济产出增加13.2万亿美元 , 创造2230万个就业岗位 。
【华为|驻英大使:英国有识之士们,拒绝华为就是拒绝未来】中国已经进入5G时代 , 到今年年底将建成60多万个5G基站 , 拥有2亿个5G用户 。 在中国抗击疫情过程中 , 5G在实现远程诊疗发挥了重要作用 , 为患者提供了快捷优质的服务 , 为医护工作者提供了更好的保护 。 疫情催生的“无接触经济”也生动诠释了5G作为网络基础设施的重要价值和广阔前景 。 未来5G将带动智慧交通、智慧农业、智慧医疗、智慧教育、智慧城市等建设 , 全面改变人们的生产和生活方式 。 华为是5G的领军者 , 与华为合作 , 可以助力英国在数字经济时代获得领先优势 , 实现更大发展;而拒绝华为 , 将使英国错失引领5G时代的光明未来 。
历史总是要前进的 , 不会等待犹豫者 。 面对5G时代的世界发展大潮 , 各国只有相互尊重 , 保持开放 , 选对方向 , 才能赢得未来 。 希望英国有识之士从中英合作和两国人民福祉出发 , 在华为问题上倾听理性声音 , 做出明智选择 , 拥抱机遇、拥抱增长、拥抱未来 。
By banning Huawei, Britain is turning its back on a 5G-dominated future
On 29 July 2020, South China Morning Post carried an article by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming entitled By banning Huawei, Britain is turning its back on a 5G-dominated future. The full text is as follows:
The British government"s recent decision to remove Huawei from its 5G networks is disappointing and disheartening, because I believe refusing Huawei is refusing opportunities, refusing growth and refusing the future.
Over 200 years ago, China missed the historic opportunity of the First Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain, and learned a lesson the hard way. Now, as the Fourth Industrial Revolution unfolds, with fifth-generation mobile networks as key infrastructure, Britain runs the risk of missing the opportunity to take part or take the lead in this thriving new development because it is turning its back on Huawei.分页标题
This means rejecting the most innovative company and most advanced technology in 5G. The result will be much slower development of the 5G industry in Britain.
Huawei is a microcosm of growing Chinese investment in Britain, which in the past 10 years alone has increased by 20 times and enabled Chinese and British companies to work closely together to achieve innovation and common development. As Britain strives to achieve full 5G and fibre coverage by 2025, Huawei would have been a great help.
Britain has been presented with an opportunity to match up its strengths in talent, technology and creative ideas with Huawei"s strong manufacturing capabilities and outstanding research team to take the lead in the era of 5G. However, this invaluable opportunity has been rejected.
There is no doubt 5G will create new impetus for global growth. This is particularly true given the economic impact of Covid-19 on the world, including Britain, that has resulted in the most severe recession in decades. Post-pandemic economic recovery is a daunting task for all countries.
In 20-plus years since coming to Britain, Huawei has brought in more than £3 billion (US$3.86 billion) in procurement and investment, created 26,000 jobs and established five research centres, making enormous contributions to the development of the telecommunications industry, economic growth and social progress in the country.
In 2018, the company announced a further investment plan of £3 billion in the next five years, which is a positive vote for growth in Britain. Unfortunately, this will now be subject to uncertainties in light of the British government"s recent decision.
This decision, in addition to hampering growth, also comes with a bill which will inevitably be paid by consumers. British telecommunications operators estimate that removing Huawei equipment from their networks would cost billions of pounds and result in a delay of at least two to three years and an extra cost of £6.8 billion in Britain"s 5G roll-out.
Moreover, there is the risk of missing a share of the development bonus of China, the world"s most vigorous and fastest-growing market and a major powerhouse for world economic growth for 14 years in a row. China welcomes all countries, including Britain, aboard the fast train of its development.
However, Britain is choosing to turn down this offer despite the urgent need to accelerate innovation and jump-start economic recovery to build a future for generations to come.
Now, that future is not coming any nearer. 5G technology has a bearing on every aspect of the future of mankind. As a symbol of the new round of scientific and technological revolution, 5G – combined with cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and blockchain – will unleash enormous progress in the Internet of Things, human-computer interaction and transformation led by smart technology.
It will fast-forward the digitalisation of traditional industries and create new and robust impetus for future global growth. It is estimated that, by 2035, 5G will drive up global economic output by US$13.2 trillion and create 22.3 million jobs.
China has stepped into the era of 5G. In the fight against Covid-19, 5G has played an important role in China in remote diagnosis and treatment, quick and high-quality patient services, and better safeguards for medical workers.
It has also facilitated the contactless economy during the pandemic, which is a vivid illustration of the important value and promise of 5G as network infrastructure. By the end of this year, there will be more than 600,000 5G base stations and 200 million 5G users in China.
Going forward, 5G will drive the "smart" trend in transport, agriculture, medical care, education and urban management, and bring a complete transformation to industrial production and daily life.
Huawei is a leader in 5G. Britain could either choose to cooperate with Huawei and gain an edge in the era of the digital economy, or refuse such cooperation and give up leadership in a 5G-dominated future.分页标题
History does not wait for the hesitant. In the face of the overwhelming trend of 5G development, countries must respect each other, remain open and choose cooperation to build a bright future together.
I hope visionary people in Britain will see the big picture of Chinese-British cooperation, bear in mind the well-being of the peoples of the two countries, listen to reasonable voices and make a wise choice on Huawei so as to embrace opportunities, embrace growth and embrace the future.
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