据迅雷官网 , 深圳市迅雷网络技术有限公司就迅雷公司前CEO陈磊等人涉嫌职务侵占事宜 , 于2020年4月向深圳市公安局提出控告 , 于近日接到深圳市公安局通知 , 深圳市公安局已经对涉嫌职务侵占罪的陈磊等人进行立案侦查 。
迅雷公司已经就此发布公告 , 呼吁陈磊尽快回国配合调查 。
Investigation of the former CEO Mr. Lei Chen
Xunlei Limited (the “Company”) (Nasdaq: XNET) announces that the Company received a notification from Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau that the bureau has filed a case for investigation of the former CEO of the Company, Mr. Lei Chen, for alleged embezzlement of the Company’s assets. Filing a case for investigation by a public security authority in China is the first step of the criminal procedure. Upon the completion of investigation, prosecutors will decide whether to prosecute the case before a court with competent jurisdiction in China. The Company will monitor the progress of the case and make required disclosure according to applicable laws and regulations.
(责任编辑:王治强 HF013)
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