
导读:9月25日,大家期待已久的《夺冠》终于登上了大荧幕,上映三天,票房近2亿 。看了官媒对该片的英文报道后,Yee君发现片名被翻译为了Leap↓Chinese biographical sports film Leap, directed by
metres,metres怎么读9月25日,大家期待已久的《夺冠》终于登上了大荧幕,上映三天,票房近2亿 。看了官媒对该片的英文报道后,Yee君发现片名被翻译为了Leap↓
Chinese biographical sports film Leap, directed by renowned filmmaker Peter Ho-sun Chan, started screening in China Friday.
9月25日,由闻名导演陈可辛执导的中国体育传记片《夺冠》在海内上映 。
Starring Gong Li as legendary volleyball coach Lang Ping, the film is a cinematic depiction of the multigenerational struggle of the Chinese women's volleyball team to secure glory for the nation.
这部电影由巩俐饰演传奇女排教练郎平,讲述了中国女排几代人为祖国荣誉奋力拼搏的故事 。
A scene from Leap. [Photo/Mtime]
leap有跳跃、灵敏地移动的意思,也有骤变、飞跃的意思,既很好地捕获了中国女排姑娘们在赛场上灵敏的身影,又隐含了中国女排一次次在各种赛事中夺冠,取得飞跃进步的意义 。因此,这里没有直译“夺冠”,这个译法包含了更多背后的故事,包括女排姑娘们的汗水和所取得的傲人的成绩 。
1 win the championship/ win (the game)获得冠军;赢得比赛
Tampa Bay has now won three straight games and can win the championship on Saturday night.
坦帕湾队获得了三连胜,在周六晚的比赛中能够夺冠 。
另外,战胜某人可以说win over sb.
That candidate won me over with her performance in the debate.
那位选手在辩论中的表现赛过了我 。
2 become /clinch the champion获得冠军
At the World Championship, Jack defeated all his opponents and became the champion.
在英雄联盟全球总决赛上,杰克打败对手夺冠 。
He clinched the 2007 championship, with six wins and 294.5 points overall.
他在2007年的锦标赛上获得6场胜利,以总分294.5分的成绩夺得冠军 。
【metres,metres怎么读】3 win the gold medal摘得金牌
He won the gold medal in Athens in 2004.
他在2004年的雅典奥运会上夺得金牌 。
4 be awarded the first prize/ place/ gold medal获得冠军;赢得比赛
Irish student Adam Kelly was awarded the first prize at the 2019 European Union Contest for Young Scientists in Sofia.
爱尔兰学生亚当·凯莉获得2019年欧盟青年科学家竞赛索非亚赛区冠军 。
Our company was awarded the first place in the contest of the party organizations.
我们公司在聚会组织竞赛中获得冠军 。
She was awarded the gold medal for the 100 metres.
她在100米赛中获得金牌 。
5 take/win the first place排名第一
Among outdoor games football takes the first place in public interest.
在户外活动中,足球项目最受公众喜爱 。
He failed to win the first place in the competition.
他在竞争中失去了夺冠的机会 。
6 top登顶榜首;获得第一
The book topped the bestseller list for weeks.
这本书最近几周都是畅销冠军 。
7 bear the palm获奖;获胜
bear the palm字面理解有带上棕榈枝的意思,palm棕榈叶在西方被看做胜利的象征,古罗马以棕榈枝奖赏胜利的斗士,后来bear the palm就变成了“获胜”或“得奖”的意思 。
She bore the palm in the Olympic Games held in Sydney 。
她在悉尼奥运会上获奖了 。
8 win/gain laurels获得冠军,赢得荣誉
laurel /?l?r?l/是桂冠、殊荣、月桂树的意思,还可作为动词,表示授予荣誉、使戴桂冠 。laurels指用月桂树叶编成的"桂冠" 。古代希腊人和罗马人用月桂树的树叶编成冠冕,献给杰出的诗人或体育竞技的优胜者作为奖赏,以表尊崇 。这种风尚徐徐传遍整个欧洲,于是laurels代表victory,success和distincion 。
laureate /?l?ri?t/可以表示获奖者、荣誉获得者、桂冠诗人,还可作形容词,表示佩戴桂冠的;荣誉的;(花冠、花环)用月桂枝叶编织的 。
She has rightly won laurels for this brilliantly perceptive first novel.
她因这部极具洞悉力的处女作小说当之无愧地赢得了荣誉 。