building blocks是什么意思

building blocks是什么意思

building blocks是什么意思

building blocks是什么意思

积木的英文:building block英文发音:[?b?ld?? bl?k]中文释义:积木;塑料积木;组成部分;构成要素例句:This has served as a building block for modeling other market structures and for other theoretical approaches.这是一个“积木”对于建模其他的“市场结构”和其他的理论方法 。扩展资料词汇解析:1、building英文发音:['b?ld??]中文释义:n. 建筑;建筑物v. 建筑;建立;增加(build的ing形式)例句:They fly down from the sky or scale up the building and linger there.他们从天空中飞下,或者攀登上建筑物,在那里留恋徜徉 。
2、block英文发音:[bl?k]中文释义:n. 块;街区;大厦;障碍物vt. 阻止;阻塞;限制;封盖adj. 成批的,大块的;交通堵塞的例句:Some students today blocked a main road that cuts through the centre of the city.一些学生今天封锁了穿过市中心的公路 。
building blocks of matter什么意思
building blocks是什么意思

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building blocks积木怎么玩
building blocks是什么意思

积木[jī mù]building block; juggle; toy bricks1 积木如果搭得中心错位就会倒塌 。If the blocks are placed off-centre, they will fall down. 2 碗碟收拾好后,孩子们在桌旁坐下来玩积木 。
After the bowls and dishes were cleared away, the children sat at the table, playingwith building blocks. 翻译例句3 在这个问题中,你将在确定的规则和约束条件下构建一个简单的积木世界 。
In this problem you will model a simple block world under certain rules andconstraints. 4 我有泰迪熊,小狗,积木和娃娃 。