
工厂英文:factory 英 [?f?ktri]美 [?f?kt?ri]factory的基本意思是“工厂,制造厂”,指用于生产某种特殊物品的固定场所,也可指任何制造物品的地方 。表示“在工厂” 时,可用in a factory,也可用at a factory 。
1.动词+~build a factory 建造工厂、close a factory 关闭工厂、erect a factory 建造工厂
2.名词+~automobile factory 汽车制造厂、car factory 汽车制造厂、carpet factory 地毯厂
3.介词+~at a factory 在工厂、in a factory 在工厂例句:I got a job in a textile factory.我在一家纺织厂找到一份工作 。扩展资料同义词解析factory、mill、plant 【导航词义:工厂】factory n. 工厂〔辨析〕指使用机器设备大批量制造产品的工厂 。〔例证〕My mother used to work in a clothing factory.我母亲以前在一家服装厂工作 。
2.mill n. 工厂〔辨析〕指生产棉纱、布匹、钢铁等材料的工厂 。
〔例证〕There is a textile mill round the corner.街角处有家纺织厂 。
3.plant n. 工厂〔辨析〕指发电厂或进行工业生产的工厂 。〔例证〕There is a power plant nearby.附近有一家发电厂 。

工厂又称制造厂,是一类用以生产货物的大型工业建筑物 。那么,你知道工厂的英文单词怎么说吗?工厂的英文释义:factorymanufactorymillplantworkshopremuneration工厂的英文例句:这家新工厂给自然环境带来的影响可能是灾难性的 。
The average outgo of the factory is 2000 dollars.这家公司希望把新工厂设在河边 。The company wished to locate its new factory beside the river.这家工厂一直在排放有毒的废气 。The factory had been sending out toxic fumes.工厂的英语怎么写我家附近新建了一家工厂 。A new factory was established near my home.这家工厂的所有女职工在三八节都得到了一份礼物 。
【工厂英文怎么读】All the female workers in this factory got a present on March 8.工厂模式的另一种类型称之为工厂方法。Another type of factory pattern is called the factory method.建造这座水族馆的建筑物过去是一座被称为“罐头工厂”的工厂 。It is in a building that used to be a kind of factory called a cannery.受核工厂须领有加工厂废水排放许可证 。
The facility should have a process waste water discharge permit.这个工厂的地界扩展到河边 。This factory expands to the riverside.他们威胁着要关闭这家工厂 。They threatened to shut down the factory.这家工厂的设备和家具全被拆除了 。
The plant was dismantled of all its equipment and furniture.这张图展示了工厂的布局 。This map shows the layout of the plant.这家工厂制造鞋子 。This factory manufactures shoes.各个工厂都接到了通知 。
Every factory has received the notice.她领着外宾参观了工厂 。She showed the foreign visitors round the factory.这两家工厂在同一地区 。The two factories are in the same locality.那家工厂倒了 。That factory has gone bankrupt.在阿富汗我们有一个工厂 。
We have a factory in Afghanistan.您愿意参观我们的工厂吗?Would you like to tour our factory?她带领我们参观了由她自己设计的工厂 。She showed us around the factory of her own designing.然后我们告诉内容助理关于这个工厂的信息 。We then tell the co
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