


【wine怎么读】wine 英[wa?n],美[wa?n] 。第三人称单数:wines现在分词:wining过去式:wined过去分词:wined 。
wine用法:1、wine n.葡萄酒不可数名词 。
She drank a bottle of wine last night.她昨晚喝了一瓶葡萄酒 。They will buy some wine in the supermarket.他们会在超市买一些葡萄酒回来 。2、wine不但可以指葡萄酒,还可表示其他植物或蔬果酿制的酒 。rice wine米酒 。
My mother is good at making the rice wine.我妈妈擅长制作米酒 。Why don’t you try some white wine?你何不试喝一些白酒呢?3、wine通常是不可数名词,但若具体指某种口味的酒时,可数 。a dry white wine一种干白葡萄酒(dry指不甜的、少糖分的) 。
例句:1、This wine is made by the farmer himself.这种葡萄酒是农场主自己酿制的 。2、They decided to go to the pub to wine after the exam.他们决定考试结束后去酒吧跳舞 。3、The leader intends to wine and dine us tomorrow night.领导打算明天晚上设宴款待我们 。
4、Let's have a bottle of wine with dinner.让我们一起喝瓶酒吃晚饭 。5、I was told that any wine from So