I felt soft fingers at my throat
It seemed someone was strangling me
The lips were hard as they were sweet
It seemed someone was kissing me
My vital bones about to crack
I gaped into another’s eyes
I saw it was a face I knew
A face as sweet as it was grim
It did not smile it did not week
Its eyes were wide and white its skin
I did not smile I did not weep
I raised my hand touched its cheek
The lights glow.
【有哪些让你觉得惊艳且念念不忘的诗词或诗歌的诗】What will happen next?
Night has fallen.
The rain stops.
What will happen next?
Night will deepen.
He does not know
What I will say to him.
When he has gone
I’ll have a word in his ear
And say what I was about to say
At the meeting about to happen
Which has now taken place.
But he said nothing
At the meeting about to take place.
It is only now that he turns and smiles
And whispers:
‘I do not know
What will happen next.’
God looked into his secret heart
to find a word
To bless the living throng below.
But look and look as he might do
And begging ghosts to live again
But hearing no song in that room
He found with harshly burning pain
He had no blessing to bestow.
Cancer Cells
“Cancer cells are those which have forgotten how to die”.
(Nurse, Royal Marsden Hospital)
They have forgotten how to die
And so extend their killing life.
I and my tumour dearly fight.
Let’s hope a double death is out.
I need to see my tumour dead
A tumour which forgets to die
But plans to murder me instead.
But I remember how to die
Though all my witnesses are dead.
But I remember what they said
Of tumours which would render them
As blind and dumb as they had been
Before the birth of that disease
Which brought the tumour into play.
The black cells will dry up and die
Or sing with joy and have their way.
They breed so quietly night and day,
You never know, they never say.
March 2002
After Lunch
And after noon the well-dressed creatures come
To sniff among the dead
And have their lunch
And all the many well-dressed creatures pluck
The swollen avocados from the dust
And stir the minestrone with stray bones
And after lunch
They loll and lounge about
Decanting claret in convenient skulls
September 2002
听了纨绔的广播剧,就被这一句吸引了“平生不会相思,才会相思,便害相思”便去找了全诗 。它出自元代诗人徐再思的《折桂令·春情》 。
平生不会相思,才会相思,便害相思 。身似浮云,心如飞絮,气若游丝,空一缕馀香在此,盼千金游子何之 。证候来时,正是何时?灯半昏时,月半明时 。
此曲写得真挚自然,纯乎天籁 。题目为春情,写的是少女的恋情 。首三句说少女害了相思病,不能自拔,感情波澜起伏 。三、四、五句写少女相思的病状,用浮云、飞絮、游丝比喻她病得魂不守舍,恍惚迷离,十分贴切 。六、七句写病因,游子一去,徒然留下一缕余音,彼此没法相见,只有望穿秋水地盼望 。最后两句点出相思病最难捱的时刻,灯半昏,月半明,夜已阑 。半明半暗的光景,最能勾起相思之苦 。这意境与李清照《声声慢》词所写“乍暖还寒时侯,最难相息”相近 。此曲押韵有其特色,开头处连用“思”字三次,结尾处连用“时”字四次 。连环重叠,写法大胆而自然,颇得本色之趣 。徐再思擅长写相思之情,他另有一曲《清江引·相思》说:“相思有如少债的,每日相催逼”,也写得真率坦诚,不假辞藻而墨花四照,与这首[折桂令]异曲同工 。所以,《坚瓠壬集》卷三说这两曲“得其相思三昧” 。
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