realize是什么意思 Realize是什么意思

realize是什么意思 Realize是什么意思

habit[?h?b?t] n. 习惯;习性
be in/fall into/get into the habit of doing sth. 有(养成)做某事的习惯
He is not in the habit of drinking a lot. 他不习惯于多喝酒 。
I’ve got into the habit of turning on the TV as soon as I get home.
我已养成了一到家就打开电视的习惯 。
hair [he?(r)] n. 头发
hair band 发带
hair clip 发卡
haircut n. 理发;发型
That’s a nice haircut. 那个发式很漂亮 。
You should have a haircut. 你该理发了 。
half [hɑ?f; (US) h?f] a.& n. 半 , 一半 , 半个
I divided the apples into halves. 我把苹果分成两半 。
half past one 一点半
hall [h??l] n. 大堂;会堂;礼堂
in the hall 在大厅
hamburger [?h?mb??ɡ?(r)] n. 汉堡包
hand [h?nd] n. 手;指针
hand in 交上来
The teacher asked the students to hand in their papers.老师叫学生将试卷交上来 。
hand out 分发;发放
They are having out emergency things. 他们正在分发紧急物品 。
handbag [?h?ndb?ɡ] n. 女用皮包;手提包
handsome[?h?ns?m] a. 英俊的
hang(hung/hanged,hung/hanged绞死) [h??] v. 悬挂;吊着;把……吊起
hang out (俚语)闲逛;闲荡
happen [?h?p?n] vi. (偶然)发生
You\'ll never believe what happened to me today at school.
你永远不会相信我今天在学校发生的事 。
sth. happen to sb. 某人发生某事
If anything happens to him, let me know. 如果他发生什么事 , 就通知我 。
happen to do 碰巧;恰巧;恰好
She happened to be out when he called. 他打电话是 , 她恰好不在家 。
词义辨析:happen/take place
happen 指偶然发生的或未经筹划的 。
The accident happened at about 9:30.事故发生在9点30分左右 。
take place 表示必然性的“发生”或者是计划安排好“举行” 。
Great changes have taken place in my home town recently. 最近我的家乡发生了巨大的变化 。
happy[?h?p?] a. 幸福的;快乐的 , 高兴的
hard [hɑ?d] ad.a. 努力地;使劲;猛烈地0.硬的;困难的;艰难的
hardly [?hɑ?dl?] ad. 几乎不
这两个词都是副词 , 但意思和用法截然不同 。hard 是“努力、、困难”的意思 , 而hardly 是“几乎不”的意思 , 是否定词 。
We should work hard to pass the eaxm.
我们应该努力学习 , 通过考试 。
They could hardly believe the news, could they?
他们几乎不敢相信这个消息 , 不是吗?
harmful a. 有害的
hat [h?t] n. 帽子(一般指有边的);礼帽
hate [he?t] vt & n.. 恨 , 讨厌
I hate cheating in examinations.
have (has,had, had) [h?v] vt. 有;吃;喝;进行;经受
had better (do) 最好(做)
You had better get up early. 你最好早点起床 。
You’d better not smoke here.你最好不要在这吸烟 。
have a cold 患感冒
have a good time 玩得很痛快 。
We had a good time in the park yesterday.
我们昨天在公园里玩得很愉快 。
have classes 上课
have on 穿着
He has a black coat on today.今天他穿着一件黑色的上衣 。
have a try 尝试 , 努力
Have a try again and then you can get it.再试一次你就能得到它 。
have no idea 不知道
I have no idea about the accident happened at the street corner.我对发生在街道拐角处的事故一无所知 。
have to 不得不 , 必须
have got to 不得不;必须
近义词辨析:have/there be 都是“有”的意思 , 区别是:there be 指“某处存有” , 例如:There is a map on the wall.墙上有一幅地图 。而have指“所有 , 拥有”例如:I have a brother and a sister.我有一个弟弟一个妹妹 。
he [hi?] pron. 他
head [hed] n. 头;头脑(像);才智;首脑;源头;标题
My head aches.我头痛 。
Use your head. 动动脑筋 。
health [helθ] n. 健康 , 卫生
be in good health= be healthy 身体健康
He is healthy. =He is in good health. 他很健康 。
Exercise is good for the health. 锻炼身体有益于身体健康 。
healthy [?helθ?](-ier,-iest) a. 健康的;健壮的 +
a healthy child 健康的孩子
hear(heard, heard) [h??(r)] v. 听见;听说 , 得知
I listened carefully but heard nothing.
hear about/ of 听说
I’ve ever heard of someone doing that.我曾经听说过有人做那种事 。