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出国旅游或工作 , 会经常面临一个潜在的麻烦 , 那是时差 。因为时差的原因 , 穿越时区飞行会扰乱我们的生物钟 , 所以我们得花点时间调整自己 , 酱 , 今天就来聊聊“时差”(time difference) 。

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1时差 time difference
What is the time difference between Beijingand Vancouver?
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2时差 jet lag
jet 喷出 , 喷气式飞机
“jet lag”的意思为时差 , 时差感 。
Jet lag is caused because the body clockdoes not readjust immediately to the time change.
因为生物钟不能快速调整时差 , 因而产生了飞机时差 。
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“倒”你可以用动词“get over”、“recover from”、“adjust from”等待表达 。
I haven\'t got over my jet lag yet.
我还没有倒时差 。
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4时区 time zone
I have been a resident of the GMT+ 8 timezone for nearly 40 years.
我在东8在时区生活了近四十年 。
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Eight Tips to Help You Avoid Jet Lag
1.Adjust your bedtime by a hour a day,a fewdays before your trip. Change your sleep pattern to match the schedule you willkeep at your destination. This will help you avoid jet lag during your trip.
1.旅行前几天 , 将你的就寝时间调整一小时 。根据你的目的地时间表调整你的睡眠模式 。这将会帮助你在旅途中避免时差 。
2.Resetting your watch at the beginning ofyour flight may help you adjust more quickly to the time zone you will bevisiting.
2.登机前将手表的时间调整到新的时区 , 可以帮助你更快地适应目的地的时区 。
3.Drink plenty of water before, during andafter your flight. The air on planes is extremely dry, and some experts believethat dehydration is a leading cause of jet lag. Virtually everyone agrees thatdehydration can make jet lag worse.
3.飞行前 , 飞行中 , 飞行后多喝水 。机舱里的空气非常干燥 , 并且很多专家认为脱水是导致时差的首要因素 。几乎每个人都同意脱水会使时差变得更糟 。
4.Avoid drinking alcoholor anything withcaffeine during your flight. (That includes many soft drinks as well as coffeeor tea.) Both alcohol and caffeine increase dehydration.
4.在旅途中避免饮酒或咖啡因 。(包括许多软饮料以及咖啡和茶)酒精和咖啡因都会加重脱水 。
5.Sleep on the plane if it is nighttime atyour destination.Use earplugs, headphones, eye masks or other sleep aids tohelp block out noise and light, and a travel pillow to make yourself morecomfortable so you can sleep.
5.如果目的地是在晚上 , 在飞机上睡一会儿 。用耳塞、耳机、眼罩或其他助眠用品有助于阻挡噪音和光线 。准备一个旅行枕 , 让自己更舒服 , 所以你可以睡觉 。
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6.Stay awake during your flight if it isdaytime at your destination.Read, talk with other passengers, watch the movie,or walk the aisles to avoid sleeping at the wrong time.
6.如果目的地是白天 , 那就保持清醒 。看看书 , 和其他乘客聊天 , 看电影 , 走在过道上 , 避免在错误的时间睡觉 。
7.Eat lightly but strategically. Some peopleadhere to various “jet lag diets,”but I’ve never found one that was worth thetrouble it took to follow it. Still, it makes sense to eat foods that supportyour needs and can help you avoid unnecessary “jet lag”conditions.Remember thathigh-protein meals are likely to keep you awake, foods high in carbohydratespromote sleep, and fatty foods may make you feel sluggish.
7.饮食清淡 , 搭配合理 。有些人坚持各种各样的“时差饮食” , 但是我一直没有找到一个能解决时差问题的 。仍然 , 吃一些满足身体需求的食物是有道理的 , 而且还能帮你避免一些不必要的时差 。
8.Relax on the first day at yourdestination. If you have the luxury of arriving at your destination a day ortwo before you have to engage in important activities that may require a lot ofenergy or sharp intellectual focus, why not give yourself a break and let yourbody adjust to the time change a little more gradually?