putup putupyourhand的意思

putup putupyourhand的意思

put up
① 举起;抬起;提高
Put up your hands if you have any questions.
【putup putupyourhand的意思】如果有问题请举手 。
(2012重庆)We put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains.
下雨时我们撑开伞来遮挡雨水 。
They have put up the rent by $200 a month.
他们把每月的租金提高了200美元 。
② 公布;张贴(布告、相片等) 同义词:display
Posters were put up around our school, calling upon us to join in the actions for a greener earth.
校园中到处张贴着海报,号召我们加入到让地球更环保的行动中来 。
③ 建造(房屋等);搭建:
They have put up a lot of high-rise buildings recently.
最近他们盖起了很多高楼大厦 。
④ 留宿;住宿
I was hoping Kenny could put me up for a few days
我希望肯尼能让我留宿几天 。
⑤ put up with忍受;容忍 同义词:tolerate bear
I can't put up with their smoking any longer. 我再也无法忍受他们抽烟了 。