faster是什么意思faster翻译( 二 )

The speed of China\'s shift toward greener growth is equally impressive. China\'s per unit of economic output is obtained with 43.1 percent less energy consumption in 2018 than in 1953, and 11.4 percent less than in 2015. Instead of pursuing reckless industrial expansion, Chinese officials now show little tolerance for smokestack factories and energy waste, even if that means slower GDP growth.
中国向绿色发展转变的速度也同样令人瞩目 。2018年,中国单位产值能耗比1953年减少了43.1%,比2015年降了11.4% 。中国的官员们不再追求无序的工业扩张,而是开始对各种冒烟工厂和能源浪费开展严格治理,就算GDP增速放缓也在所不惜 。
The \"China speed\" in greening the Earth is leading the world and is visible from space. A study in February using data from NASA satellites revealed that China contributed to a quarter of the increase in global green leaf area since the turn of the century.
环境绿化方面的“中国速度”已领先全球,在太空里都看得见 。今年2月发布的一项研究用到了美国航空航天局卫星拍摄到的数据,研究显示,本世纪以来,全球绿叶覆盖面积的四分之一是由中国贡献的 。
To observe it from the eyes of entrepreneurs, \"China speed\" is increasingly relevant to how fast the country betters its business environment and opens up its market to foreign businesses.
从企业家的角度来看,“中国速度”越来越多地与营商环境的改善速度以及市场对外商的开放速度有关 。
As a result of China\'s reforms to expand market access and cut administrative red tape, the number of enterprises in the country mushroomed at an average growth rate of 16.9 percent annually from 2012 to 2017. A World Bank report ranked China 46th worldwide for ease of doing business in 2018, up 32 places from the previous year.
随着放宽市场准入以及简化行政审批手续等改革措施的实施,2012年到2017年,我国企业的数量以年均16.9%的速度激增 。世界银行《2019年营商环境报告》评价,中国营商环境世界排名46位,比上年提升32位 。
In particular, China is moving fast to share more development opportunities with foreign firms. The negative list for foreign access to business sectors is shortening year by year, new pilot free trade zones have been launched across the nation in just a few years, and once heavily-restricted domains such as finance are being opened up at a non-stop pace.
值得一提的是,中国在与外国企业分享发展机遇方面行动也很迅速 。外资准入负面清单在逐年缩短,新设的自由贸易试验区在几年之内已遍布全国,曾经严格受限的金融等领域也在以势不可挡的速度对外开放 。
Behind the new face of \"China speed\" is the country\'s all-out efforts to pursue national rejuvenation, a vision that can not be realized without a modernized economy that entails better quality, higher efficiency, more robust drivers of growth and opening-up on all fronts.
在“中国速度”的新面孔背后是我国追求民族复兴的不懈奋斗精神,没有优质、高效的现代化经济,没有更加有活力的增长动力以及全面改革开放,民族复兴就不可能实现 。
By downshifting its GDP growth and demonstrating a new understanding of desirable speed, the country shows to the rest of the world that it favors not economic dominance, but economic sustainability, which makes structural reforms and shared, win-win development a requisite in a highly connected global economy.
通过调低GDP增速并对理想增速有了新的认识,中国向世界表明,我们追求的不是经济主导,而是经济可持续性 。在这个高度互联的世界经济中,要实现经济可持续性,就要实行结构性改革,追求共赢发展 。
Recasting an economy as large as China\'s takes time and courage, but it is a critical battle that China must and can win. The evolution of \"China speed\" has proved how far the country has come and will continue to bear witness to this journey.
为中国这样规模的经济体重新设定发展方向需要时间和勇气,但是,这是中国必须也能够取得胜利的一场战役 。“中国速度”的演变已经证明了我们取得的成就,也将继续见证我们未来的发展 。