夜已深,我的朋友圈也要打烊咯 夜已深的句子发朋友圈

1、夜越黑,星星越亮 。
The darker the night,the brighter the stars.
2、根植于你的存在,没有人的缺席或在场可以扰乱你内心的平静 。
Be so rooted in your being that nobody's absence or presence can disturb your inner peace.

夜已深,我的朋友圈也要打烊咯 夜已深的句子发朋友圈

3、命运就像一个奇怪的,不受欢迎的餐厅,奇怪的小服务员给你带来的东西,你从来没有要求,也不总是喜欢 。
Fate is like a strange,unpopular restaurant with odd little waiters who bring you things,you never asked for and don't always like.
4、对于大多数人来说,他们认定自己有多幸福,就有多幸福 。
Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.

夜已深,我的朋友圈也要打烊咯 夜已深的句子发朋友圈

5、你不必成为每一座阻碍你的山的火 。你也可以成为通往自由之路的水和柔软的河流 。
You do not have to be the fire for every mountain blocking you.you could be the water and soft river your way to freedom too.
6、他们用颜色来评判我,就像他们忘记看书一样 。
They judge me like a picture book by the colors,like they forgot to read.

夜已深,我的朋友圈也要打烊咯 夜已深的句子发朋友圈

7、我会尊重你的意见,只要你的意见不尊重任何人的存在 。
I will respect your opinion as long as your opinion doesn't disrespect anyone else's existence.
8、知道自己的能力能让你变得谦逊 。不知道自己的力量会造成不安全感 。
Knowing your power is what creates humility.not knowing your power is what creates insecurity.

夜已深,我的朋友圈也要打烊咯 夜已深的句子发朋友圈

9、要明智,不要浪费时间;要有耐心,不要着急;要坚强,不要强求 。
Be wise enough not to waste your time,patient enough not to settle,and strong enough not to force it.
10、有些人在听了你的故事后 。收缩 。其他人在听了你的故事后 。扩展 。这就是你知道的 。
Some people when they hear your story.contract.others upon hearing your story.expand.and this is how you know.

夜已深,我的朋友圈也要打烊咯 夜已深的句子发朋友圈

11、态度是会传染的 。让你的值得去抓 。
Attitudes are contagious.make yours worth catching.
12、承认自己是多么的了不起,这为你生活中的其他事情奠定了基调 。
【夜已深,我的朋友圈也要打烊咯 夜已深的句子发朋友圈】 Coming to terms with how amazing you actually are really sets theh tone for everything else in your life.