

关于”生兼职的利弊“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of part time job 。以下是关于生兼职的利弊的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译 。
高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of part time job
Part time job is very popular among college students. It is good or bad. Some people think it brings a lot of benefits to students.
On the other hand, some people think that part-time work is not worth it. Every coin has two sides. There are several reasons to support my opinion.
On the one hand, doing part-time work can make some money, make more new friends and gain some work experience However, the part-time job after school makes little money, but this money can reduce the family burden of students, or let them have enough money to spend more money to enjoy college life. Doing part-time jobs in different places can contact different people, which will definitely make more new friends. Moreover, students can get some work experience from their part-time work, which is not good for their career after graduation; on the other hand, part-time work will occupy students' time, which is not conducive to the formation of team spirit.
Everyone's energy is limited. If students let part-time work to share their time, their learning time will be reduced, which will affect their learning, such as If students have time to go out to do part-time jobs, they will have less and less time to communicate with their classmates, which is not conducive to the formation of team spirit. In short, there are advantages and disadvantages of doing part-time jobs.
Each student should choose whether to do part-time jobs according to their own situation. If they can make everything balanced, Dong part-time job is acceptable.
做兼职在大学生中很流行,这种行为是好是坏有人认为它给学生带来了很多好处,而另一方面也有人认为兼职工作不值得我这么做,每一个硬币都有两面性有几个原因可以支持我的观点一方面,做业余工作可以挣一些钱,结交更多的新朋友,获得一些工作经验,虽然放学后做兼职挣的钱很少,但是这一点钱可以减轻学生的家庭负担,或者让他们有足够的钱来花更多的钱来享受大学生活,在不同的地方做兼职可以接触到不同的人,这肯定会交到更多的新朋友 。而且,学生可以从他们的兼职工作中获得一些工作经验,这对他们毕业后的职业生涯没有好处;另一方面,兼职工作会占用学生的时间不利于形成团队精神每个人的精力都是有限的,如果学生让兼职来分享时间,他们的学习时间就会减少,这会影响他们的学习,如果学生有时间就出去做兼职,他们与同学交流的时间会越来越少,这不利于学生形成团队精神总之,做兼职有利弊每个学生都应该根据自己的情况来选择是否做兼职,如果他们能使一切都平衡,董兼职是可以接受的 。

Advantages and disadvantages of part-time job nowadays, more and more students choose to do part-time job in their spare time, especially during holidays. In my opinion, part-time job has two aspects for us: on the one hand, it provides us with an opportunity to apply what we have learned to our major, which can increase our social experience. In addition, it can help us to earn some money to pay our tuition and train ourselves.
On the other hand, part-time work may waste a lot of our time, which will affect our study.
兼职的利弊现在,越来越多的学生选择在业余时间做兼职,尤其是在假期 。我认为,兼职对我们来说有两个方面:一方面,它为我们提供了一个将所学知识应用于专业的机会,这可以增加我们的社会经验 。此外,它可以帮助我们挣一些钱来支付我们的学费和培训我们自己另一方面,兼职工作可能浪费我们很多时间,这会影响我们的学习 。
