商品英语怎么说? 商品英文

商品英语怎么说? 商品英文


商品英语怎么说? 商品英文

Commodity 释义:商品;有用的东西;有使用价值的事物
音标:英 [k??m?d?ti] 美 [k??mɑ?d?ti]
Goods 释义:商品;货品;动产;私人财产;
音标:英 [ɡ?dz] 美 [ɡ?dz]
Merchandise 释义:商品;货品;相关商品;指定商品:推销;(运用广告等)销售
音标:英 [?m??t??nda?s , ?m??t??nda?z] 美 [?m??rt??nda?s , ?m??rt??nda?z]
Wares 释义:商品;货物
音标:英 [we?z] 美 [w?rz]

商品英语怎么说? 商品英文

1、Crude oil is the world's most important commodity.
原油是世界上最重要的商品 。
2、The group became a sales juggernaut in the commodity options business.
这个集团成为了商品期权交易市场的销售巨头 。
3、Many brokers were charged with cheating customers in commodity trades.
许多经纪人被指控在商品交易中欺骗顾客 。
4、Like any other commodity, pedigree dogs are covered by the Sale of Goods Act.
像其他商品一样,纯种狗的买卖同样受《货物买卖法》的约束 。
5、Commodity prices remain stable and there are plenty of goods on the market.
商品价格稳定,市场货源充足 。
6、There is an abundance of commodity supplies on the markets.
商品供应充足 。
7、The commodity circulation is poor.
商品流通渠道不畅 。
8、Justice has become a commodity, affordable to only a few.
正义已经成为一种商品,只有少数人能够负担得起 。
9、Commodity economy embodies the production level of human society.
商品经济集中代表着人类社会生产力的发展水平 。
10、If commodity prices fall, growth will slow even more.
如果大宗商品价格下跌,俄罗斯经济增长率还会进一步下降 。
【商品英语怎么说? 商品英文】11、So as to serve the development of a planned commodity economy.
为发展有计划的商品经济服务 。
12、He had been lifting electrical goods from the store where he worked.
他一直从他工作的商店里偷窃电器商品 。
13、The deal will put the company in a unique position to export goods to Eastern Europe.
这项协议给予这家公司向东欧输出商品的特殊地位 。
14、Cheap imported goods are flooding the market.
廉价进口商品充斥着市场 。
15、The increase in the price of oil had a knock-on effect on the cost of many other goods.
石油价格上涨对其他许多商品的价格引起了连锁反应 。
16、Ask for a refund if the goods are faulty.
商品如有缺陷,可要求退款 。
17、Certain types of goods are preferred by pilferers.
某些类型的商品较为小偷所喜欢 。
18、Most goods are available, but at a price.
大多数商品都有售,但是价格极高 。
19、Reforms have led to the saturation of the market with goods
改革已经使得市场上商品饱和 。
20、The merchandise is reasonably priced and offers exceptionally good value.
这些商品定价合理,很是划算 。
21、They could sell their merchandise for quadruple the asking price.
他们能够以4倍于要价的价钱出售他们的商品 。
22、A really good catalogue can also whet customers' appetites for merchandise.
一份真正好的商品目录也可以激起顾客购买的欲望 。
23、They had shoplifted thousands of dollars' worth of merchandise.
他们已经偷了商店价值好几千美元的商品 。
24、Retailers can return defective merchandise.
零售商可以退回有缺陷的商品 。
25、You can't return specific merchandise without any quality problem.
特例特价商品售出后无质量问题不能退换 。
26、Vendors displayed their wares in baskets or on the ground.
小贩们把他们的商品摆放在篮子里或地上 。
27、The wares in that store are dear.
那个商店里的商品价格高 。
28、You must push your wares if you want better sales.
如果你要想销路好,你必须强行推销你的商品 。
29、The hawker cried his wares throughout the town.