smell是什么意思 tast是什么意思

smell是什么意思 tast是什么意思

1、Tast , n.塔斯特;
On the Developing Situation and Major Tast of the Feed Science and Technology in Our Country.我国饲料科技发展态势和重点任务探讨 。
Observation of Tast Raising on Xiao Wei Sheep's Introduced Variety

小尾寒羊引种试养观察 。
For a long time, Fire prevention has been one of the most arduous tast.
长期以来,火灾防治是最艰巨的任务之一 。
Determination the content of carboplatin injection and stability tast
注射用卡铂的含量测定及稳定性试验 。
Shear Test on Rock At Its Original Place in Shuangjiang Hydropower Station And Tast Analysis.
【smell是什么意思 tast是什么意思】双江水电站原位岩体的直剪试验及分析 。