
When minutes become hours
When days become years
And I don’t know where you are
Color seems so dull without you
Have we lost our minds?
What have we done?
But it all doesn’t seem to matter anymore
When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back
You held me in your arms, I held you in mine
You picked me up to lay me down
When I look into your eyes
I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I
I’m drenched in your love
I’m no longer able to hold it back
Is it too late to ask for love?
Is it wrong to feel right?
When the world is winding down
Thoughts of you linger around
Have we lost our minds?
What have we done?
But it all doesn’t seem to matter anymore~~
When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back
You held me in your arms, I held you in mine
You picked me up to lay me down
When I look into your eyes
I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I
I’m drenched in your love
I’m no longer able to hold it back~~~
When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back
You held me in your arms, I held you in mine
You picked me up to lay me down
When I look into your eyes
I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I
I’m drenched in your love
I’m no longer able to hold it back
《春娇与志明》是由街道办作词,街道办、KT作曲,街道办、欧阳耀莹演唱的一首歌曲 。
发行于2017年06月25日 。在歌曲中,春娇在给志明的电话留言中有提到,他真的改变了自己很多,其实很多时候,这样的改变不是一方面的改变,而是相互的,因为在影片的最后,志明也决定让春娇把她最喜欢的“然后”带过来一起生活,爱是一种迁就 。
有过女崽令我思想变地太可 , 当措我也其很为对内放嗨待错 。
内或我无司令用气买木用是款,内慢慢什弹国对我对刚情地营针 。
药急斗难忍还天生的瘦朋右,瘦朋右有点会分略令一半刚感受 。
药盖正我干当但我只嗨强条搞,订立地多反也我以令得我以衣农好 。
鸡明地系盖文元好动带着或爱,可我虚该买萌我几措过开嗯何在 。
总和几战斗割尼难个波为并待过,但春娇想要那个你又药水可以并奏 。
这首歌的旋律其实并不像一般的台语歌,但是在写词时 , 很自然的就填了台语歌词,而且这样搭起来又非常的顺,所以这首歌从一开始到最后大家在专辑中听到的版本都没有什么改变 。歌曲讲述了春娇和志明在台湾的爱情故事 。
以俗语“志明与春娇”为名 , 表达了爱情中的善男信女 。这个名字来源于台湾五月天乐队组合的一首同名歌曲,歌曲主题是一对恋人的爱情故事,也是台湾常见的名字 。歌曲表达了爱情中的不同感悟和体验 。爱情,本身就是一种改变,更是一种坚持 。