运动健身的好处大家都知道,但是一般人不大可能一辈子只做同样一种运动,永远也不厌倦;另一方面,岁月毕竟无情,上了年纪的人不可能还和年轻时一样蹦蹦跳跳 , 承受着年轻时的运动量 。
那么 , 对希望以运动健身的人,到底应该如何搭配组合,在不同人生阶段选择适合自己年龄的运动方式?美国有一位训练专家最近设计出一套能让人一生受用的健身计划,使注重健康的你从二十几岁开始,一直到耳顺之年都能找到适合的运动方式 。让你从运动中受益 。下面是具体方案:
二十多岁:可选择高冲击有氧运动、跑步或拳击等运动方式 。对你的身体而言,好处是能消耗大量卡路里 , 强化全身肌肉,增进精力、耐力与手眼协调 。在心理上,这些运动能帮助你解除外在压力 , 让你暂时忘却日常杂务,获得成就感 。同时,跑步还有激发创意、训练自律力的优点;而拳击除了培养信心、克制力与面对冲突的能力等好处外,更适合拿来当做“出气筒” 。
三十多岁:建议选择攀岩、滑板运动、溜冰或者武术来健身 。除了减肥,这些运动能加强肌肉弹性,特别臀部与腿部;还有助于活力、耐力,能改善你的平衡感、协调感和灵敏度 。在心理上 , 攀岩能培养禅定般的专注工夫,帮助你建立自信与策略思考力;溜冰令人愉悦、多感 , 忘却不快;武术帮助你在冲突中保持冷静、自强与警觉心,同样能有效增进专心的程度 。
四十多岁:选择低冲击有氧运动、远行、爬楼梯、网球等运动 。对身体的好处是能增加体力,加强下半身肌肉,特别是双腿,像爬楼梯既可以出汗健身,又很适合忙碌的城市上班族天天就近练习 。网球则是非常合适的全身运动,能增加身体各部位的灵敏度与协调度 , 让人保持活力充沛 , 同时对于关节的压力也不如跑步和高冲击有氧运动来得大 。而在心理上,这些运动让人神清气爽,松弛紧张和压力 。以爬楼梯为例,有规律地爬上爬下常是控制自己,让心情恢复稳定的好方法;同样,打网球除了有社交作用,还能抛开压力与躁念,训练专心、判断力 , 与时间感 。
五十多岁:适合的运动包括游泳、重量训练、划船,以及打高尔夫球 。游泳能有效加强全身各部位的肌肉与弹性,而且由于有水的浮力支撑,不如陆上运动吃力 , 特别适合疗养者、孕妇、风湿病患者与年纪较大者 。重量训练能坚实肌肉、强化骨骼密度;提高其他运动能力;而打高尔夫球时如果能自己走路、自背球袋,而且加快脚步,常有稳定心脏功能的效果 。心理上,游泳兼具振奋与镇静的作用,专心的划水让人忘却杂务;重量训练有助提高自我形象满意度,让压力与烦躁都随汗水宣泄而出;团队一起划船能培养协同与团队精神;打高尔夫球则可让人更专心、更自律 。
六十多岁以上:介绍你多做散步、交谊舞、瑜珈或水中有氧运动 。散步能强化双腿,帮助预防骨质疏松与关节紧张;交谊舞能增进全身的韵律感、协调感和优雅 , 非常适合不常运动的人选择尝试;瑜珈能使全身更富弹性与平衡感;能预防身体受伤;水中有氧主要增强肌肉力量与身体的弹性,适合肥胖、孕妇或老弱者健身 。这些都不算是激烈的运动,但是在健身之外,它们的最大功用是能使人精神抖擞,感觉有趣,并且有社交的作用,是让老年人保持年轻心态的一个好方法 。
另个补充:一、健身长跑可提高呼吸系统和心血管系统机能科学实践证实,较长时间有节奏的深长呼吸,能使人体呼吸大量的氧气 , 吸收氧气量若超过平时的7—8倍,就可以抑制人体癌细胞的生长和繁殖 。其次长跑锻炼还改善了心肌供氧状态,加快了心肌代谢,同时还使心肌肌纤维变粗,心收缩力增强,从而提高了心脏工作能力 。
二、健身长跑有利于防病治病健身长跑使血液循环加快 , 对排泄系统有害物质起到清洗作用,从而使有害物质难以在体内停留和扩散 。据测定得知,16分钟跑3000米或25分钟跑5000米,可降低血液中胆固醇 。这对老年人易患不同程度的高血脂症,继而引起血管硬化、冠心病、脑血管病等有着良好的预防作用 。
三、健身长跑有利于心情舒畅、精神愉快这种长跑因其不重视比赛胜负 , 只求在轻松愉快中健身,因此对缓解现代社会高节奏和激烈运动带来的精神心理紧张十分有益 。据医学专家介绍,这种轻松愉快的运动最能促进体内释放一种多肽物质——内啡吠 , 从而使人产生一种持续的欣快感和镇静作用 。另外,由于长跑使人情绪饱满乐观 , 有助于增进食欲,加强消化功能,促进营养吸收 。
长跑锻炼对于培养人们克服困难,磨炼刻苦耐劳的顽强意志具有良好的作用 。特别是对那些冬季怕冷爱睡懒觉不想锻炼的人起到促进作用,从而使人他们尝到健身长跑锻炼的好处.
The benefits of exercise is known to all, but the average person is unlikely to be a lifetime only to do the same kind of movement, never tired of; Years after all, on the other hand, ruthless, older people may also not lit up like when I was young, under exercise when I was young.
So, to those who want to exercise, should how to mix, in different stages of life choose to suit oneself age exercise? The United States has a training experts recently designed a set of can let a person lifetime pass fitness plan, make healthy you from the beginning of the twenties, until the sixties years can find the right ways. Let you benefit from sports. The following is the specific plan:
More than twenty years old: can choose high impact aerobics, running, or boxing movement. Good for your body is to consume a large amount of calories, strengthen muscles, increase energy, stamina and hand-eye coordination. In the psychological sense, these exercises will help you to relieve the external pressure, make you forget the daily chores, gain a sense of achievement. At the same time, running and stimulate creativity, training the virtues of self-discipline; Boxing in addition to cultivate confidence, restraint and the benefits such as ability to face the conflict, more suitable for as "out").
More than 30 years old: it is recommended that choose to rock climbing, skateboarding, skating or Wu Shulai fitness. In addition to lose weight, these sports can strengthen muscle elasticity, especially the buttocks and legs; Also helps energy, endurance, and can improve your sense of balance, harmony, and sensitivity. Psychologically, rock climbing can develop the focus of work, like meditation to help you build self-confidence and strategy thinking; Skating more pleasant, and feeling, forget unhappy; Martial arts help you remain calm in the conflict, self-improvement and alert heart, also can effectively improve the degree of concentration.
More than forty years old: choose low impact aerobic exercise, travel, climb stairs, tennis sports. The profit to the body is to increase physical strength, strengthen the lower body muscle, especially in the legs, like climbing stairs can perspire fitness, and very suitable for the busy urban commuters every day to practice. Tennis is a very appropriate body movement, can increase the sensitivity and the coordination of different parts of body, let a person keep energetic, at the same time for the joints are not equal to running and high shock pressure of aerobic exercise as much. And psychologically, these make people refreshed, relaxation tension and stress. Climb the stairs, for example, regularly climbing up and down is to control oneself, often a good way to let the mood stability returns; Similarly, play tennis in addition to its social effect, still can put aside pressure and manic, training focus, judgment, and the sense of time.
More than 50 years old: suitable for sports including swimming, weight training, boating, and play golf. Swimming can effectively strengthen the muscles of the body parts and elasticity, and because of the buoyancy of water, less land movement demanding, especially suitable for the residents, pregnant women, with strong rheumatism patients with age. Weight training can be solid muscle, strengthening bone density; Improve the ability of other sports; While playing golf, if you can walk alone since the back pocket, and speed up the pace, often have stable effect of cardiac function. Psychologically, swimming both exciting and calming effect, concentrate on stroke to let a person forget chores; Weight training helps to improve self image satisfaction, let the pressure and agitated with sweat vent out; Boating team can develop synergies with team spirit; Playing golf can make people pay more attention and more self-discipline.
More than 60 years of age or older: you do more walking, dancing, yoga or water aerobics. Take a walk can strengthen your legs, to help prevent osteoporosis and joint stress; Dancing can improve whole body sense of rhythm, harmony, and elegant, very suitable for sedentary people choose to try; Yoga can make the body more resilient and balance; Can prevent the body injury; Aqua aerobics major increase muscle strength and the elasticity of the body, suitable for obese, pregnant women or old fitness of the weak. These are not a fierce campaign, but in the gym, they are the biggest function can make the person spirit, feel interesting, and have a social role, is to let the elderly is a good way to keep the young mentality.
Another adds: a, fitness distance can improve the function of the respiratory system and cardiovascular system scientific practice confirmed that rhythmic deep breathing for a long time, can make human body breathing large amounts of oxygen, absorb oxygen if more than the usual 7-8 times, can inhibit the growth and reproduction of human cancer cells. Second long-distance running exercise also improves the myocardial oxygen supply state, accelerates the myocardial metabolism, at the same time also make cardiac muscle fibers became thicker, heart contraction force increase, so as to improve the ability to work the heart.
Second, the fitness run is conducive to disease cure fitness runners accelerate blood circulation, the excretory system harmful material cleaning effect, so that the harmful material is difficult to stay in the body and spread. According to measurement, 16 minutes to run 3000 meters or 25 minutes to run 5000 meters, can reduce the cholesterol in the blood. The old people susceptible to different degrees of hyperglycemia, which in turn causes hardening of the arteries and coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease has a good prevention role.
Three, the fitness run to feel better, happy spirit this kind of long-distance running, because its not value competition for fitness in the relaxed and happy, so to alleviate high tempo and intense campaign to bring the spirit of modern society is good mental tension. According to medical experts, the most can promote the body to release this light-hearted movement within a polypeptide substance - brown bark, so as to make the person produces a continuous euphoria and sedation. In addition, due to the long distance high spirits optimistic, promote appetite, strengthen the digestive function, promote nutrient absorption.
Distance running exercise to cultivate people overcome difficulties, temper perseverance of hard work has a good effect. Especially for those who are afraid of the cold winter exercise sleepy don't want to play a role, so that they taste the benefits of fitness distance running exercise.
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