导语:请记?。?掌声依然为你们响起,鲜花依然为你们献上,一时的输赢不代表终生的`成败 。请你们勇敢地去挑战吧 。因为新的冲锋号角已经响起 。
1. See my eye! we can fly! Let me smile!can we fight!
2. Higher,faster, stronger
3. One.Two.three.go.go.go
5. Faith that justice would prevail impelled us forward.
6. step on a long journey.
7. The winner is you !
8. We are proud of you!
9. You are the best!
10. You are the bravest!Rush!
11. You can do it!
12. we will,we will,rock you.
13. Friendship first, competition second, race out of style, match the level.
14. unity and hard work, striving for success, leap dream, beyond the Liu Xiang.
15.he 3challenge themselves, to break through the limit, hard work, the courage to open up.
16. 4show themselves, striving to be high, the Olympic spirit, always in my heart.
17. nine class A, die another day, across the field, for I rule the roost.
18.class nine invincible, carry the world before one, amidst the winds of change, but my class nine.
19. The movement of infinite strength, contribute, track and field, take one's ease.
20. hard work ahead, always progress, bloom of youth, beyond the dream.
21. physical fitness, determined to become a useful person, tenacious struggle, beyond the limit.
22. The wave of passion, flying dream, youth, passion Unlimited.
23.the tenacious struggle, won the first, challenge themselves, to break through the limit.
24. 8hard work, the courage to open up, disciplined, solidarity and mutual respect.
25. 9out of style, stepped out of the youth, class nine, march forward courageously.
26. the ultimate nine class, the extraordinary momentum, horse saddle gold, Yong crown land.
27. Friendship first!Competition second!
28. Challenge your own Fly your dream To be No.1!
29. Go for it! Your are the best
30. We are the best!
31. We are the champion!
32. run run run.
33. No retreat!No surrender!
34. I came I saw I conquered!
35. Do what i can do.
36. class one class one.
37. never scared of anyone.
38. on today's sport day.
39. we will be the NO.1.
40.We are the best We are the wonder .
41. Stand out ,Now !
42. catch up with me if you can.
43. For every body of today and tomorrow.
44. pursue the best , inspire a class.
45. inspire a generation.
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