
方力申(Alex):离开以后首次遇见lei hoi yi hao sao ci yu gin
邓丽欣(Stephy):从新对望听你声线 cong san dui mong tieng lei sieng xin
方力申(Alex):太惯看你左边笑脸 tai guan hon lei zuo bin xiu lim
邓丽欣(Stephy):差点想碰你的肩 ca dim xiong pong lei die gin
轻触那残余心事 hieng cho na can yu sam xi
方力申(Alex):我们分开 怎麽始终行不开 ngo mun fan hoi zam mo qi zong hang ba hoi
想捉紧当日精彩 xiong zok gan dong yat jieng coi
邓丽欣(Stephy):或是害怕完全淡出你那份爱 wa xi hoi pa yun qun tam cok lei na fan qieng
离场后跑回来 lei qiong hao pao wui loi
方力申(Alex):不知可算应该ba ji ho xun yieng goi
邓丽欣(Stephy):贴身不再但却贴心装载 tip san ba zoi dan kiok tip sam zong zoi
方力申(Alex):随时代你哭 处理泪流 cui xi doi lei hok qu lei lui lao
邓丽欣(Stephy):而后备两手是否足够 yi hao bei liong sao xi fao zok gao
即使那日放了手 jiet xi nay at fong liu sao
方力申(Alex):双脚似未学会走 song gio qi mei hok wui zao
合:停留在这段情tieng lao zoi jie dun qieng
方力申(Alex):不懂去 ba dong hoi
邓丽欣(Stephy):退守 tui sao
方力申(Alex):全部旧记忆 这刻重游 qun bou gao gei yetjie hak cong yao
邓丽欣(Stephy):重拾旧爱都或太荒谬 cong sap gao ngoi dou wa tai fong mao
方力申(Alex):运气不够 wan hei ba gao
邓丽欣(Stephy):牵不了手 hin ba liu sao
合:也算得今世独有 ya xun da gam sai dok yao
合:对你太好怎会累透 @dui lei tai hou zam wui lui tao
方力申(Alex):如心跳是可以避免 yu sam tiu xi ho yi bei min
邓丽欣(Stephy):萦绕却是你的声线 wan yiu kiok xi lei die sieng xin
方力申(Alex):惯了照顾的不会变guan liu jiu gu die ba wui bin
邓丽欣(Stephy):不告别也不发现ba gou bi ya ba fa yin
对你爱顾早蔓延 dui lei ngoi gu zou man yin
合:对你再好不会厮守 dui lei zoi hou ba wui xi sao
You were in college working part time waiting tables / 你在大学时期半工半读
Left a small town never looked back / 毅然决然离开老家
I was a flight risk with a fear of falling / 我忐忑的心不知所措
Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts / 心想若不能长久 又何必相爱
I say can you believe it? / 我说 “你能相信吗”
As we’re lying on the couch / 我们相偎在沙发
The moment I could see it / 那一刻 我看见了
Yes, yes I can see it now / 我看见未来
Do you remember we were sitting there by the water? / 你记得我们并肩坐在海边吗?
You put your arm around me for the first time / 你张开双臂第一次把我抱住
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter / 你让一个破碎家庭的女儿 有了转变
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine / 你是这个世界上 我的最爱
Flash forward and we’re taking on the world together / 时间快转 我们开始一起生活
And there’s a drawer of my things at your place / 你家的抽屉有我的东西
You learn my secrets and you figure out why I’m guarded / 你知道我的秘密 看穿我的武装
You say we’ll never make my parents’ mistakes / 你说上一代的错 我们绝不再犯
But we got bills to pay, we got nothing figured out / 但我们面对帐单 不知如何是好
When it was hard to take / 当一切无法承受时
Yes, yes, this is what I thought about/ 我不禁回想起
Do you remember we were sitting there by the water? / 你记得我们并肩坐在海边吗?
You put your arm around me for the first time / 你张开双臂第一次 把我抱住
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter / 你让一个破碎家庭的女儿 有了转变
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine / 你是这个世界上 我的最爱
Do you remember all the city lights on the water? / 你记得水面上美丽的亮光吗
You saw me start to believe for the first time / 你看见我第一次 学会相信
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter / 你让一个破碎家庭的女儿 有了转变
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine / 你是这个世界上 我的最爱
And I remember that fight, 2:30 am / 我记得凌晨2:30的争吵
As everything was slipping right out of our hands / 每件事都开始失控变了样
I ran out crying and you followed me out into the street / 我哭著跑走 你紧追在后
Braced myself for the goodbye / 我忍著悲伤说要分手
Cause that’s all I’ve ever known / 因为我不知道该怎麼办
Then you took me by surprise / 然后 你出乎我意料之外
You said I’ll never leave you alone / 你说 “我永远不会离开你”
You said I remember how we felt sitting by the water / 你说: “我记得我们并肩坐在海边
And every time I look at you, it’s like the first time / 每一次看你 都恍若初见
I fell in love with a careless man’s careful daughter / 我爱上一个破碎家庭长大的女儿
She is the best thing that’s ever been mine / 她是这个世界上 我的最爱”
Hold on, make it last / 加油 直到最后
Hold on, never turn back / 加油 不要放弃
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter / 你让一个破碎家庭的女儿 有了转变
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine / 你是这个世界上 我的最爱
Yes, yes do you believe it?Yes Yes / 你能相信吗
Yes, yes we’re gonna make it nowYes Yes / 我们一定能做到
Yes, yes I can see itYes Yes / 我看见了
I can see it now / 我看见未来