
丹尼斯身高171厘米 。
丹尼斯·基梅托(DennisKimetto),1984年1月22日出生于肯尼亚,是肯尼亚长距离运动选手,前马拉松世界纪录保持者 。
长跑,即长距离跑步,路程通常在5000米及以上 。田径比赛的长跑项目通常分为5000米跑,10000米跑 , 半程马拉松(约21.0975千米)、马拉松(约42.195千米)等 。
The denist’s waiting room was full . The dentist (牙医)was one hour behind with his appointments
Three children were playing on the floor and their mothers were telling them not to make a noise .A baby was tearing up(撕破、撕碎) newspapers and making a big mess(弄得一团糟).I tired to read the same old magazine again and again .
He stared at us all and said ,“Would you mind if I went in next ?I’ve got terrible toothache and I can’t wait another minute.”